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The moment Jian Huansha noticed Baili Hongzhuang's gesture, she had taken the pill without hesitation.

Zhong Limu and others have also been notified, because there were originally only a few of them, and they had already had a tacit understanding with each other since this time.

Zhong Li Xiaoran and Ren Qishi had already noticed something wrong before, so when they heard about this, they took the medicine without hesitation.

After that, they did not stay, and even Hong Zhuang was not sure to deal with the opponent, they stay here is a dead end.

Even if it is really going to die, at least it can't be dragged down.

So they left immediately after taking the pill. At the same time, another magical array formed under Baili Hongzhuang's feet!

Everything in front of him has changed, and the cultivator hiding in the dark can't help but feel dumbfounded when he looks at the scene in front of him.

The surrounding environment is no longer as black as before, but has become an extremely white world.

At a glance, the surroundings were confused, and everything around him was dreamlike and unreal.

After a brief astonishment, the man knew that he had entered the illusion.

And who arranged this phantom array, you can know without thinking about it.

Therefore, he took a step with a sullen face, "Did you find me?"

Wen Ziran and the others had already emerged from the Ring of Chaos at this moment, looking at the white clouds in front of them, they were also dumbfounded.

However, this does not delay his slurping.

"How strong do you think you are? We can't find out if we avoid it?"

The man was even more dumbfounded after hearing Wen Ziran's voice, "Didn't you leave, how did you come back?"

He stayed around here all the time, watching Wen Ziran and his party leave, and never came back!

This phantom array has just been displayed, is it possible that even the voice in this phantom array has changed?

Everything in front of you is fake?

The man fell into confusion, the vitality in his body exploded, and he wanted to see through this illusion through his own strength.

However, when he saw Baili Hongzhuang busy arranging the enchantment before, he hadn't paid too much attention to it, because he himself was not an array mage and knew nothing about this thing.

Seeing that they have been busy, they didn't notice any progress, and didn't take all this to heart.

Until this moment, he suddenly discovered that the level of this phantom array was extremely high, at least much higher than he had guessed.

He couldn't break this illusion directly?

"The formation is ready?"

Baili Yanche looked at the mist around him, with doubts in his eyes.

"Serve this first."

Baili Hongzhuang handed the pill to several people's hands. This pill was Qingming Pill. After taking it, he could see through this illusion in a short time.

The pill that she gave the dean and them earlier is also this, so you won't be trapped here by the environment she has arranged, you can leave directly.

Even if these guys reacted later, the Dean and them had already returned to Mingyao Academy.

As for after this, she felt that these guys might not be so boring, and would go to Mingyao Academy to hunt them down.

After taking the pill, everyone saw the situation clearly, and suddenly realized that there was a guy in front of them.

It's just that the guy still looks like in the mist now, and he didn't see them.

"Just one person?"

Wen Ziran was a little surprised. It seemed that their plan was very successful!

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