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"I didn't expect our plan this time to hurt you."

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Linghuyuan guiltily. This girl has been very well-behaved since she knew each other, and has never caused trouble for them.

Unexpectedly, Yan Che first broke her heart today, and what happened later almost cost Linghuyuan her life.

"This has nothing to do with you." Linghuyuan said hastily, "It's just that I didn't happen to, you don't have to take it to heart."

Seeing that this incident was originally caused by them, Linghuyuan herself was injured, but she was still telling them not to take it seriously, and everyone couldn't help but sigh.

This girl is really...no one can't hate it.

"What is going on now? Why do those few people just disappear out of thin air?"

Ling Huyuan looked around, only to think that what happened suddenly was really strange.

Those few people were clearly still nearby, but in a blink of an eye, those few people disappeared.

Disappear out of thin air?

This is impossible.

Hearing, everyone looked at each other and laughed.

Linghuyuan looked at everyone with a puzzled face, and she didn't understand why everyone suddenly laughed.

"Am I saying something wrong?"

"No." Baili Yanche explained, "We are only happy with the completion of this enchantment."


"Hong Zhuang and the dean have just set up a barrier that divides the monster battlefield into two. As long as the barrier is not broken, the people of Thorns City will no longer be able to attack Mingyao Academy."

Linghuyuan's eyes were filled with a deep color of astonishment, she had never heard of such a thing before.

"Then there is no need to fight again in a short time?"



Linghuyuan's face was beaming. In these days, the monster battlefield has been fighting every day, and everyone in Mingyao Academy has long been exhausted, but because there is no other way, they can only continue to support it like this.

Unexpectedly, there is such a way to keep everyone away from the war temporarily. This is great news for the entire Mingyao City!

"It's just that there is another problem now."

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Linghuyuan with a look of helplessness.

"What's the problem?" Ling Huyuan asked.

"You are already on the side of the demon realm. Now that the enchantment is complete, you can't go back from here."

Baili Hongzhuang spread his hands, and Linghuyuan's appearance was undoubtedly very unexpected for them, and they had never expected that she would appear here.

As for the situation just now, there is no choice but to do so.

Linghuyuan was startled slightly, "Then all of you are going to the Demon Realm?"

Everyone nodded, Linghuyuan was also a trustworthy person, so naturally they had no need to hide.

Upon seeing this, Ling Huyuan's mood was also very complicated. She was hit by a mistake and bumped in. What should I do if I can't go back this time?

Baili Hongzhuang Liu's eyebrows frowned slightly, "Now there are only two ways..."

One was that they sent Linghuyuan back from other cities in the Demon Region, but this would probably take a lot of time.

Because they are not familiar with other cities in the Demon Territory, and Linghuyuan's strength is not very strong, it is not easy for her to sneak back into the Immortal Territory by herself after being among the cultivators of the Demon Territory. Law rest assured.

The only way is to send her back to the fairyland...

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