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Bailihongzhuang's complexion is unprecedentedly serious and does not contain any jokes.

"These are two completely different planes, and now this barrier has not been opened yet. Once you follow us to the Demon Realm, there will be no way to return to the Immortal Realm for a while, do you understand?"

They all had the idea of ​​settling there after going to the Demon Realm, and they were not sure when they would return to the Immortal Realm, or even whether they would return to the Immortal Realm in the future.

Linghuyuan was different from them, her family were all in Xianyu, and she had never planned to go to the Demon World before.

"If you don't want to go, speak up now, we will send you back to Xianyu from other cities."

Upon seeing this, Baili Yanche also said: "Don't have a psychological burden. This incident was caused by us, and it should be possible to send you back."

"Yes, we still have time to calculate the time."

In this way, although the time is relatively tight, as long as they are faster and don't delay in the middle, it may not be too late.

A hesitation flashed in Linghuyuan's eyes. This situation really exceeded her expectations. She had never thought about it before, and what was more unexpected was that Baili Hongzhuang and the others were so powerful that they even dared to make a breakthrough in the Devildom. .

It's just that, looking at Baili Yanche in front of him, the original lack of firmness disappeared at this moment.

"I'll go with you!"

Previously, when Brother Yan Che said that she would not come back after leaving this time, she was very sad and even hoped that she could go together.

Of course, she also understood that she couldn't open this mouth at all in her capacity, and even if she did, they would not agree.

Who would have thought that going round and round in the end would give her such a chance unexpectedly, which means that everything is possible again!

Even if all of this is meaningless, then following the chaos is also a very exciting life, why doesn't she go?

Wen Ziran and others were also a little surprised when they heard Linghuyuan's decision, but it wasn't surprising to think about it carefully.

This girl likes Baili Yanche, but anyone who understands knows that making such a decision at this moment has a relationship with Yan Che that cannot be delayed.

Fortunately, this girl is also a reasonable person. Yan Che had already made it clear before, and she didn't mess around, even if she followed them, she didn't have to worry too much.

Linghuyuan quickly said after she said this: "Don't worry, I will try my best not to drag you down. I am absolutely obedient."

Baili Hongzhuang glanced at everyone, "What do you think?"

Wen Ziran spread out his hands, "Maybe this is fate."

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Ling'er who was aside again. I don't know what Ling'er thought about this matter.

After all, the matter between her and Yan Che still couldn't understand.

"Then let's go together." Linger replied.

"Since everyone agrees, let's act together."

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, she was not worried that Linghuyuan would not cooperate. After knowing her for so long, she had never seen this girl play a petty temperament, so she must get along well with them.

If you can find a better person in the Demon Realm later, it would be a good thing.

In this way, it would be better for Yan Che to owe her a bit less.

A smile suddenly appeared on Linghuyuan's face. The only pity was that she had not been able to tell the news to her family when she left this time.

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