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This woman, planning to fight one against two?

The eyes of other people around were also filled with shock. Before Baili Hongzhuang directly killed a Ninth-Rank pinnacle, the energy emitted by this guy after he died was extremely rich.

Many cultivators want to take advantage of this time to cultivate, which will help their own strength.

At this moment, she actually planned to kill two with one enemy and two?

Rao is Lan Yixuan's recent reputation, but this is too strong, right?

Ji Zimo actually followed behind, his identity has not been revealed, even if he walks on this street, no one will notice him.

He saw that Baili Hongzhuang killed a Ninth-Rank pinnacle as soon as he shot, and his heart was full of shock.

Not seen for a while, she is much stronger than before!

Usually, it is very difficult to improve after reaching the peak of the Ninth Stage. How many strong people can hardly make progress after years of retreat. But how long has Baili Hongzhuang been?

The strength has increased so much?

Is this a genius?

The speed of the strength breakthrough is completely different from that of ordinary people, as if the bottleneck is not noticed.

He came here today to tell Baili Hongzhuang some news. The situation has changed more than they expected, and the danger has increased greatly. She needs to think carefully before deciding whether to do it.

But now after seeing his demonstrated strength, he suddenly felt that perhaps his reminder was unnecessary?

When the strength reaches a certain level, no matter whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, there is actually no meaning.

Because strength can destroy everything!

Baili Hongzhuang shot without any hesitation.

Since I am not going to talk, there is no need to talk nonsense, just do it!

Even if you don't know the result today, you will naturally know it by the time of the competition tomorrow.

Seeing that Baili Hongzhuang was going to kill them two directly, they couldn't help feeling ridiculous.

Their strength is not comparable to that of the guy who died before. Your guy's strength is obviously just shortly after entering the 9th-Rank peak, and there is a big gap between them.

If you didn't guess wrong, the guy was probably sent by Qingling, because the people sent by the big forces are relatively strong for the sake of safety.

This woman wanted to follow the law to solve the two of them as well, and that was undoubtedly a mistake in wishful thinking.

"We joined forces and hit this woman hard!"

"it is good!"

The unfamiliar two reached an alliance at this moment.

"It's all waste, what's the use of joining forces?"

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes were indifferent, and he didn't care about the two of them.



The two yelled, this woman is really speaking too much, making people extremely unhappy!

Today they will teach this woman how to behave!


Terrible vigor erupted, and the three of them floated into the sky!

Baili Hongzhuang's movements are as fast as lightning, and one shot is a deadly killer!

To the enemy, she has never been merciless!

I originally planned to learn from the mouths of these people who wanted to shoot her, but these guys are not weak in strength, and it may be difficult to get news from them.

In that case, kill them all.

The three Ninth-Rank peaks have a significant impact in the main city of Lizhou, and the other party loses such a master, the loss is not small!

"Boom boom!"

The three of them fought together, and Baili Hongzhuang was one enemy and two, still not letting go!

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