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Rao had a lot of doubts in his mind, and Han Chenyang didn't say anything in the end.

In his eyes, Lan Yixuan is an absolute genius. Among all the geniuses he has seen in these years, no one can compare with her.

Not only that, she has always done things safely, and there must be reasons for doing so. Without explanation, he won't ask much.

Anyway, Duanhun is now tied to her interests, he just needs to believe it.

The location of the game was a little beyond Baili Hongzhuang's expectations. She had already heard Ji Zimo say that this test was probably in the purgatory secret realm, and subconsciously felt that this should be in a very hidden place where someone was responsible for guarding.

However, Han Chenyang took her to a mansion.

Actually in the mansion!

This is very interesting.

As she walked into the mansion, she realized that the scope of the mansion was not small. As soon as the two of them came in, there was already someone waiting to lead them.

After passing through several halls, finally came to a very wide courtyard.

This courtyard is indeed very large. Compared to an ordinary courtyard, it is several times larger.

At this moment, many people have gathered here, some are talking to each other, and some are standing aside, but after seeing the appearance of Baili Hongzhuang, everyone's eyes are on the two of them.

As a rising star, Baili Hongzhuang was originally very interesting. In addition to what happened yesterday, it has almost become the focus of everyone's eyes. You can't pay attention to it.

"This girl is Lan Yixuan, she is so recognizable, she knows her at a glance."

People of all major forces recognized Baili Hongzhuang at a glance.

"Before I said that there are a lot of beauties in the city of Lizhu. I have never seen them and you may not be able to recognize them. My junior brother told me that as long as I saw them, I would definitely recognize them at a glance.

At that time, I still didn't believe it. When I saw it today, I really believed it. "

Hearing, everyone couldn't help but chuckle, and they agreed with him.

There are many beauties in this world, but to be able to be beautiful at this level is definitely a unique existence at a glance.

Be unique.

Baili Hongzhuang looked around and found that many people had never been seen before, but she had noticed that Han Junxian and Ji Zimo were here.

In addition, Qingling and Peng Jinglun are surrounded by people she doesn't know.

The person next to Peng Jinglun should be from Yaozong. As for Qingling, it is really unclear who is supporting him at present.

Han Chenyang took Baili Hongzhuang and walked directly in the direction where Han Junxian was. Anyway, everyone already knew that they were in an alliance, so naturally there was no need to avoid anything at this moment.

It was Ji Zimo, who looked at her curiously after Baili Hongzhuang appeared, and said nothing afterwards.

Interesting to say, today Ji Zimo also wears a mask.

She tried it with mental power and found that there was a very peculiar energy on the mask, which blocked the mental power, and even had a hidden effect on her own breath, which made it impossible for others to recognize him.

However, she already knew Ji Zimo, and when she was familiar with each other, she would recognize it after a little examination.


Han Chenyang smiled and walked to Han Junxian's side, because they supported Baili Hongzhuang, so this time they were dead.

Han Junxian was talking with people from other forces, and when he saw them coming, he spoke to the other party and walked to their side.

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