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After hearing these words, everyone present couldn't help but change their faces. Ai Koshizawa's words gave them a lot of information.

People don't dare to mention these sensitive content on weekdays, but the current Ai Koshizawa is equivalent to giving them a direction directly.

Songluo and Songqi looked at each other. They were excellent juniors in the Fu family of Yinsong City, but obviously they had no status in the main family.

However, since Ai Koshizawa told them the situation today, they naturally have to inform the elders of the news after they return.

The family must not go the wrong way now, once it goes wrong, it will be forever!

Gu Xingfei also looked at Xiang Yueze in a bit of astonishment. He really didn't expect Xiang Yueze to say the same to Song Lao and the others.

He and Ai Koshizawa grew up together, so many years can be regarded as deadly friendship.

Therefore, in the matter of Gu's standing in line, he believes in Ai Yueze, which is the same as Gu's position.

As for the position of Fujia, no one knows.

After so many years, many forces were originally loyal to the Devil Emperor, but in these years, they gradually changed their original positions.

It's just that no one directly showed it. On the surface, it seemed that they were all loyal to the Devil Emperor as before, but they knew who they were doing in private.

"Thank you for the mention." Song Qi arched his hands with a serious expression.

Ai Koshizawa smiled, and said, "Finally, I won't mention this. The atmosphere has become too dignified. Just talk."

After eating this meal, Baili Hongzhuang didn't know much about the situation of the Devil's Palace, but only got some general idea.

Just when the meal was about to end, she asked, "Aiketsuze, if I go to the magic city in a situation like me, can I have a place?"

Listening to Song Lao's words, the situation in the Devil City is obviously much better than that of Silver Pine City, and even she dare not enter the Devil City rashly.

If you want to go to the magic city, you still have to understand the situation first.

Ai Koshizawa was still very surprised when he heard Baili Hongzhuang's question, "Girl Lan wants to go to the magic city?"

This girl had already gained a firm foothold in Silverpine City, with the Fu family to protect her, and there was no need to hesitate in Silverpine City. He did not expect her mind to be in the magic city.

Songluo and others couldn't help but look at Baili Hongzhuang. Although they knew before that she had the idea of ​​going to other places after leaving Fujia, they didn't expect that she would be so powerful, and the place they wanted to go turned out to be a magic city!

"Lady Blue is a genius alchemist. Judging from the popularity of this early magic pill, your pill is very valuable."

Ai Yueze looked serious, "Anyone who has the ability does not need to worry about wherever he goes. Even if you go to the Demon Realm, you can directly join a force.

It's just that, with your current cultivation base, it is best not to enter the magic city rashly before you get in touch with this force. I am worried that danger will arise in the process. "

Baili Hongzhuang immediately understood it, and she was appreciated by some people when she went to the magic city based on her attainments in alchemy.

It's just that before finding the right force to join, he rushed forward, worrying that he would directly encounter danger in the process.

This shows that the strength of the people in the Devil City is still very strong, not comparable to the people in Silverpine City.

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