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Her future is ruined!

As a cultivator, there is no way to continue cultivating, and his status in the family will definitely get lower and lower.

It may not show up in a short time now, but once you wait for this long time, the problem will be completely exposed.

The future of Songluo is almost imaginable.

After Fu Xuanming digested the matter, he immediately realized the problem.

"According to this statement, Songluo can't agree to the choice of the secret realm!"

Since you can't practice, the choice to go to the secret realm is definitely asking for trouble!

He has been to the selection of the secret realm, and naturally understands the dangers of the situation there. Generally speaking, once the selection of the secret realm enters it, the cultivator will get a good chance.

However, the family actually has a selection in this regard.

If you improve yourself well, it will naturally be smooth and profitable, and you may be able to stay in the master's house successfully.

But once there is no harvest and the family's cultivation resources are wasted, it is definitely a big trouble.

The family doesn't allow people to waste the best resources so, of course, in this history, naturally, there has been no one who has entered it and hasn't cultivated well.

After all, anybody wants to take advantage of such a good opportunity.

Although Fu Weixue did not act well this time, she certainly did not think of it.

"Yes." Song Qi sighed, "I wanted to stop her from agreeing."

"Then why didn't you stop it?" Fu Xuanming frowned, "This matter is not a joke."

"She promised it herself." Song Qi looked at Fu Xuanming, without saying much, her eyes had already explained everything.

Fu Xuanming was taken aback for a moment, as if suddenly understood at this moment.

"So... Songluo wants to give up on me?"

If it hadn't been for such an idea, she wouldn't have done it without knowing that she could not do it. It must have been the appearance of Fu Weixue that had stimulated her, so she chose to agree.

Song Qi did not speak, in fact, Song Lao's previous words undoubtedly meant this.

Looking at Song Qi's silence, Fu Xuanming couldn't understand what was going on in his heart?

It's just that he couldn't believe that Song Lao really wanted to abandon him, which he didn't expect at all no matter what happened.

"Why is she giving up on me? We have encountered so many difficulties and we have all survived. She is going to give up on me now?"

If he could give up, he would have given up a long time ago. The reason why he has been holding on to such resistance all the way is because he can't give up.

He has no way to leave Songluo, nor does he want to leave her. He is happiest if she is by his side.

"Hyun Ming."

Seeing Fu Xuanming's attitude gradually became uncontrollable, Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help but speak.

"Song Lao didn't really want to abandon you. The reason why she would deal with Heyang's choice in Ou was because she didn't want to delay your future."

"Delay?" Fu Xuanming laughed at himself, but his eyes were a little red. "Without her future, what is the future?

My future is made by myself, not by a girl. What can she delay me? "

"I have been so persistent all these years because I can't do without her, and I never thought that those next to me were anything.

I never wanted Songluo to feel this way, but now it seems..."

Fu Xuanming's face is unstoppable with loneliness and sadness. What is the use of the name of genius?

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