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"Thinking about it this way, Shu Qi really made a great contribution to the family.

He brought Yi Xuan, on the one hand, he brought a genius alchemist to the family. Recently, because of this early magic pill, the family has made a lot of money.

On the other hand, he also helped the family leave a genius like Xuanming, otherwise Xuanming would not be a member of the Fu family soon. "

Song Qi spread out his hands and sorted out all these things in an instant.

Shu Qi seemed to have done nothing, but if it weren't for him, these things would have been a dead end, and there would be no way to crack them.

Seeing that everyone's eyes fell on him, Shu Qi couldn't help but waved his hand helplessly, "What are you all looking at me doing? This is my luck!"

"If I hadn't come with Yixuan, I'm in the family now, and I'm afraid no one would know me at all. How would it be like now?"

He really felt this gap. Recently, just because Yi Xuan has become the hottest pharmacist of the Fu family, his status in the family has also risen.

This residence is because I have already lived in Yixuan's yard, but the housekeeper has also come to him before and arrange a better yard for him.

It’s just that it’s good to live here, so I didn’t choose another yard for the time being.

Because he has not married yet and does not need a separate yard, they are undoubtedly the most lively gathering together.

When he gets married, he will undoubtedly find another yard.

Not only that, but even his monthly cultivation resources have greatly improved, and he feels completely different.

Although he doesn't know many people now, he is keenly aware that he has undoubtedly become a core child.

Even if his strength is not strong enough, but with the accumulation of these cultivation resources, his progress is actually amazing.

As long as there is some time to practice and retreat, it will not be very difficult to catch up with others.

Seeing Shu Qi's quick explanation, everyone couldn't help feeling a bit funny.

"You are really honest." Fu Xuanming smiled, "But this is also your chance, it's normal."


When Fu Xuanming returned to the main house, he saw many people's eyes all on him.

"I heard that Fu Weixue went to the branch to find Songluo today. I guess that girl is going to cry to death."

"It's no wonder that I saw Fu Xuanming hurriedly rushing outside today. At that time, I thought something urgent had happened. It turned out to be such a thing."

"It's strange to say that Fu Xuanming is really devoted to the girl who separated, asking me to say what's bad about Weixue?

There are many people in the master's family who like Weixue, but she rejected all of them, without any thoughts. "

"This kind of thing is like this. You like people, but they don't like you. It's really not easy to find someone who likes each other."

Everyone shook their heads. In the eyes of many people in the host's family, Fu Xuanming is so ridiculous that she is obsessed with a split family.

As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are Junjie, obviously he did not realize this.

"Then there is no way, I see that when Fu Weixue goes out, what does the girl from the branch compare with her? I can only stand aside!"

Everyone shook their heads. They all understood Fu Weixue's methods and abilities. A girl who separated from the family couldn't fight her at all!

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