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Song Lao looked at Fu Xuanming speechlessly and couldn't help but said, "Can this mask be changed?"

Fu Xuanming shook his head in embarrassment, "The number of these masks was originally small, and only this one was left when I went."

In the Magic City, most people have no need to conceal their appearance, so although there is this mask, the audience is actually not large.

Upon seeing this, everyone looked at Baili Hongzhuang in front of them, and they really felt helpless.

They understood that Yi Xuan wanted this mask because she didn't want to be too conspicuous.

If it means that you are strong enough or your background is strong enough, it's not a big deal to be a little bit outsmart at this time.

However, it is clear that such conditions are not available now, so she can only do so.

Originally it was nothing, but this mask is really ugly!

"Yixuan is such a beautiful beauty, even if you want to become a little bit ordinary, you can't make her so ugly, right?"

Song Lao is really speechless, Yi Xuan wearing a mask is not a big beauty at all, this is considered to be among ordinary girls, that is also ugly.

Who can stand this? The time gap is too big.

Song Qi and others also sighed, which is really a pity.

Baili Hongzhuang could guess what the mask looked like through the expressions of the people, but she didn't really care.

"Yixuan, give me a try on your mask."

Song Lao suddenly became a little curious. Yixuan didn't look good wearing this mask, so what would she look like wearing this mask?

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang took off the mask and handed it to Songluo.

When she put on this mask, she looked at everyone curiously, "How? What do I look like when I put on this mask?"

Everyone looked at Song Lao in front of them, and their expressions suddenly became more indescribable.

"Xuanming, if Song Lao grows up like this, you will definitely not like her anymore," Song Qi said.

Fu Xuanming shook his head, looking like he couldn't explain everything.

When Song Lao saw Fu Xuanming's appearance, he couldn't help laughing and cursing, "Hey, what is your expression!"

"You'll know by looking in the mirror yourself." Fu Xuanming laughed.

Song Lao actually took out a mirror and looked at it, and immediately discovered the problem.

"You...you are so embarrassed, can you be worthy of Yixuan?"

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Song Lao's appearance, and raised her eyebrows slightly. Although she had expected that the mask was not good-looking, she couldn't help but sigh when she saw it at this moment.

This is really ugly!

If it's mediocre, it's fine, but it's not mediocre. The masker should have made it out of a spoof idea, right?

In fact, in a place like the Demon Realm, the cultivator's strength is not weak, his own roots and bones are not bad, and his appearance is naturally rarely really ugly.

As for wearing this mask, it really becomes the ugliest one. Although the ugly is not exaggerated, it is really ugly compared to others.

Think of the stunning beauty before Baili Hongzhuang, this mask becomes like this once you wear it, the gap is really big!

"I actually don't want to..."

Fu Xuanming spread his hands and looked at Baili Hongzhuang earnestly, "I definitely didn't mean it, but I didn't have a choice, just this one."

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, "I understand, it doesn't matter, this one is fine."

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