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When Fu Weixue saw the seventh elder coming, his face suddenly showed a happy smile.

As the seventh elder of the family, her father is also a very capable elder, and her status in the family has always been very high.

"Seventh elder, you just came."

The elder smiled on his face and looked at Baili Hongzhuang again: "The seventh elder is the most powerful pharmacist in our family. You may know about it if you ask the seventh elder."

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, but didn't care much about it.

"Fu Songyang, it's been a long time."

The Seventh Elder didn't pay attention to this, but after entering, his eyes fell on Fu Songyang.

"After so many years, I thought you would never come to the master's house again. I didn't expect to see you here today. It was a bit of a surprise."

There was a faint gentle smile on his face. People who didn't know seemed to be sighed with Ru Mu Chunfeng, but anyone who knew could see a trace of sarcasm in his expression.

The children of the separated family are still sighing at the moment that the sixth elders knew so many people when they were in the main house, and all these elders knew him.

Baili Hongzhuang felt the distinctive atmosphere between the two, with a little suspicious expression in his eyes.

Then I observed that the expressions of the fifth elders were slightly tense, as if they were afraid that there would be any conflict between the two. Some things that I didn't understand seemed to be understood at this moment.

It seems that the person who clashed with the sixth elder back then was probably the seventh elder.

Everyone has already arrived, but the seventh elder is late, and it seems that there is a problem from this point alone.

From this perspective, things are even more complicated.

If the Seventh Elder was the one who robbed her of love back then, wouldn't it be possible that the woman beside him was the one the Sixth Elder liked?

Originally, only two people came, and they didn't care about it at all, but now that they guessed their identity, the situation became completely different.

This is too exciting!


At this time, Baili Hongzhuang suddenly realized that he had overlooked one important point. If the seventh elder and his wife had such a passage, then Fu Weixue is the daughter of the seventh elder, does that mean that Fu Weixue is the sixth elder The girl you like?

Is it so complicated?

"I didn't expect this situation to be so exciting. At that time, the Sixth Elders were rude to Fu Weixue in order to maintain Songluo. This is really amazing."

Xiao Hei also recalled at this moment, this kind of situation is really a coincidence that I dare not make up a story, this is really awesome!

"Do you know what is going on?"

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Songluo and Songqi. The two of them have been living in a separate house anyway, and perhaps they need to know more about this situation.

Songluo shook her head. She didn't know anything about the master's house. In addition, because she couldn't practice before, she was very resistant to everything about the master's house. Even if someone said, she didn't want to listen.

"do not know."

When Song Qi saw this, he knew more about the situation, and couldn't help but say: "Fu Weixue is indeed the daughter of the seventh elder, but he was not born to this lady."


Song Lao couldn't help being stunned when he heard this. Is there anything else in it?

"Song Lao was born to the Taoist priest before the Seventh Elder, but that Taoist priest has fallen in an accident."

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