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Her pair of apricots stared round and bloodshot, staring at Fuxing River with incredible anger.

This man has ruined everything about her!

Her love, her dreams, her happiness, everything she has.

And until now, she even humiliated her in front of everyone!

In the face of Fu Wei's anger, Fu Xinghe didn't care at all. He lightly mocked, "What's wrong? Your old lover is here, I just want to give you a chance to talk back."

Fu Songyang didn't expect that Fu Xinghe would mention this matter again. He just felt unfair for the remarks Yixuan received, but this guy suddenly said something like this?

With this attitude, he can imagine what kind of life Fu Wei has been living in these years.

Baili Hongzhuang noticed that the situation became more and more uncontrollable, and frowned unconsciously.

The character of the Seventh Elder is really strange enough. Let's say that there is no city in the heart. What this is doing is really mean, but if there is a city, this guy will directly show everything.

What kind of occasion is today?

All the outstanding children of the family gathered here for the next secret choice.

Even if everyone has heard about the elders, no one is very clear about what happened back then. They are all regarded as past events, and no one is embarrassed to ask more.

This was great, it broke out in front of so many people, and all the younger generations watched the show completely.

The expressions of the children of the Fu family at this moment were also a little complicated. They were still thinking about how to get closer to the blue girl.

Such a talented and beautiful girl, it is really good to be able to pursue that.

But judging from the development of this situation, the Seventh Elder was clearly aimed at this girl.

As a result, their attitude will have to change in points.

Unless you have enough strength and don't worry about the seventh elders, wouldn't it be equivalent to offending the seventh elders?

Everyone looked at each other, and for a while, they really didn't know what to do.

Fu Mingzhi was also taken aback by the scene before him. He only felt that Fu Xinghe was really crazy today, and he really didn't distinguish between occasions.

A good banquet was ruined directly, not to mention, looking at the appearance, it seems that you still want to settle things with Fu Songyang?

This fucking...it's a bit exciting!

"Seven Elders!"

The elder screamed and stopped Fu Xinghe directly.

"Seventh elder, I think you are drunk. Since you are a little uncomfortable, you should go back earlier."

As he said, the elder winked at the others and motioned to them to take the seventh elder back.

After that incident happened that year, they had guessed that if Fu Songyang came back here, there might be a conflict between them.

It's just that none of them thought that the Seventh Elders would be so ignorant of the measure, and they would break out on such an occasion.

How does this make the younger generation view the elders?

Several people naturally understood what the Great Elder meant, and they immediately came over, preparing to take the Seventh Elder away.

However, Fu Xinghe's face was already cold.

"I'm not drunk, I know what I'm doing, you don't need to be like that.

What happened back then is clear to everyone, so what can be avoided? Why don't you ask Fu Songyang if he hasn't come back for so many years, what kind of thoughts he has when he comes back to find fault? "

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