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"Listening to you, things are indeed a bit exciting."

Baili Hongzhuang's beautiful eyes picked up slightly. Fu Wei had been in retreat for so many years, but she hadn't appeared in front of others for so many years, but when the Sixth Elder came, she appeared.

Things that I thought were impossible before might actually happen now!

After such a disturbance, the dinner party suddenly became silent.

Everyone simply bowed their heads to eat, the atmosphere was already so solemn, if anyone did something to offend the elder, then the situation would be really bad.

All the children were dull and silent, and even the elders were a little unhappy at this moment.

Originally, today was a good opportunity, but as things went so far, it would be inappropriate for them to keep asking.

Baili Hongzhuang was happy and relaxed. She herself was too lazy to explain too much about her alchemy.

Fortunately, Fu Xinghe made such a trouble, otherwise I am afraid that these elders would have to ask her a lot of things, but it is not so easy to get out.


It wasn't until the dinner was over that everyone felt relieved and the whole person relaxed.

"The meal just now was really too difficult for me to eat."

Songluo sighed, but he had never felt such an atmosphere during the separation of the family on weekdays, and only felt that he would be suffocated in that hall.

"You just steal it." Song Qi chuckled, "If there is no such thing, I am afraid that it is a lot of people's affairs that will have to rush to you."

Originally, he was always worried that someone would come to make trouble. With their current situation, it was not easy to deal with it.

If you said with a smile, it would be unpleasant for the other party to hide the needle in Mianli and save their face, but once this attitude becomes tough, it will leave a bad impression in front of the elders if the matter becomes big.

Unexpectedly, what happened after this was completely beyond expectations. Everyone’s focus was on Fu Songyang and Fu Xinghe. They escaped directly, and no one paid attention to them at all. This is not A lot easier?

Hearing, Song Lao was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"When you say this, it seems that this is really the case."

"Me too." Baili Hongzhuang smiled, "It seems that the Sixth Elder is really protecting us."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh as soon as he said this. Although the Sixth Elders shouldn't want to see such a thing happen, this self-sacrificing thing is really amazing.

"There are still a lot of people behind here. Let's go faster and just go out."

Fu Xuanming looked at the back. In fact, he had noticed that many people's eyes fell on Lan Yixuan.

I have stayed in the main house for so long, so I have a clear idea of ​​these guys.

In fact, all of them were making small calculations in their hearts. They were a little difficult to hide when they spoke at the banquet, but now they have come out. As long as they don't catch up with them, this matter is very simple.

The big deal is to leave, so that these guys can't find them.

"it is good!"

Everyone had a tacit understanding on this point, and all of them accelerated their speed and left directly.

"Let's go!"

Baili Hongzhuang smiled. As soon as this incident happened today, I was afraid that everyone's attitude towards her would change somewhat.

Come to think of it, this should make all the elders of the Fu family a headache.

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