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No one in the room didn't know the flame spirit fruit, which is the treasure of cultivation for everyone.

This treasure itself is very precious. After taking it, it can greatly increase the speed of cultivation. It is simply the treasure in the hearts of cultivators at this time.

After all, among the treasures of heaven and earth at this stage, the effect of the flame spirit fruit is the best.

However, the flame spirit fruit is a very precious fruit.

Because the improvement effect is good for cultivators, and there are no side effects, it is surprisingly good for all cultivators.

However, the quantity of this fruit is not very large, so the price of each sale is actually higher than the circulated price.

Regardless of Fu Xuanming and the others, their status in the Fu family is not low, but it is definitely not an easy task to get this flame spirit fruit.

Only when you have made a significant contribution to the family can you get this reward.

You must know the flame spirit fruit, that is the treasure that can go to auction!

When the shopkeeper saw this blazing spirit fruit, his eyes lit up.

The price of the flame spirit fruit on the market is similar to this skirt, but everyone knows that if a flame spirit fruit is sold, it will definitely be higher than this price.

"No problem, no problem!"

The shopkeeper's face bloomed with a smile. Today, this incident originally thought it would be a troublesome thing, but I didn't expect it to be a turn of events. Liu Yinhua is another village!

Fu Xuanming and others all looked at Baili Hongzhuang in surprise, some wondering where she got the flame spirit fruit?

They had never heard of Yixuan going to an auction before. It was not easy to buy such a fruit. Now it is too violent to change into a dress!

"Yixuan, you flame spirit fruit...no! It's not a bargain!"

Fu Xuanming spoke directly. As far as the price is concerned, there is indeed not much difference, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is not worth it.

They can't just watch Yixuan suffer such a loss, not to mention that they all understand that Yixuan now values ​​nothing more than cultivation.

Chu Mo Pill's reputation is so great that she never took it seriously. All her thoughts were on improving her cultivation base. Now such a good treasure for improving her cultivation base was taken out like this. It's a pity.

Fu Junxi also nodded, "It's a pity that you can take out the flame spirit fruit for more than this price!"

"Right!" Song Lao also nodded repeatedly.

Before, she felt that Yixuan was very strange when she said she wanted to buy it. She obviously didn't have so many spirit stones on her body.

Until now, she was even more shocked, Yixuan actually took out such a baby in order to help her clean up the mess.

"Yixuan, we can think of a way again, we can definitely think of a way!"

Song Lao took Lan Yixuan's hand, her expression was full of tension, she really had never regretted it so much.

If you owe the spirit stone, you can find a way to pay it back. Once Yixuan's flame spirit fruit is delivered, it is simply impossible to buy it at such a price.

Baili Hongzhuang looked at everyone's anxious appearance, couldn't help but smile: "It's no big deal, you don't have to worry about it."

"How can it be done?" Song Qi frowned, thinking that if they went to the Sixth Elder to borrow money, would it work?

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