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Lovers finally get married, this is the picture everyone wants to see.

Rather than three people being happy now, it would be better for the Sixth Elder and Fu Wei to be together, at least two people can be happy.

Even so, the Seventh Elders will be even more unhappy, but it is clear that this is no longer in the scope of everyone's attention.

"Let's go to the Sixth Elder." Song Luo suggested.

This has been a big fight. After so many years, when have you seen the appearance of the Six Elders?

Some blood can be seen from the ground, and both sides must have been injured.

The sixth elders now have no friends in the main house other than the fifth elders. They naturally have to care a little, otherwise, wouldn't it look even more desolate?

Hearing, everyone looked at each other, nodded one after another, and rushed towards the sixth elder's residence.


On the giant ship, Gong Jun always felt a little bit incomprehensible about the scene of the opposing talent, but the boss suddenly released his vitality.

He was familiar with the darkness that covered the sky and the sun. The strangest thing was that the people on the boat were all safe and sound. Why did the boss do this?

"Boss, do you know the girl just now?" Gong Jun asked aloud.

After thinking about it carefully, apart from this, I really can't think of other possibilities.

If you were to stare at him boldly like a girl you didn't know, without any awe in her expression, it would be unlucky.

It's just that he has followed the boss for many years, and this girl shouldn't be too old, she shouldn't be a talent from a thousand years ago.

After all, if you still only have such a small amount of cultivation base after a thousand years of cultivation, it would be too talented.

And within these thousand years, the boss just came back, so he probably wouldn't know him.

Di Beichen turned his head and looked at Gong Jun, who was always beside him, with a playful smile in his eyes.

"I fell in love with her."

"Cough...cough cough."

Gong Jun didn't react for a while, almost choked to death. He stared wide, coughing and looking at Di Beichen in disbelief. However, he was coughing constantly, and the conversation was incomplete for a while, and he almost died of anxiety.

"You, do you like her?"

Is the boss so easy to like a girl? If it were that easy, things would not have progressed to such a degree.

For so many years, the eldest and sister-in-law have never had the idea of ​​hitting another girl when they are together. At this moment, just after watching Yu Rong, he suddenly fell in love with a girl?

It feels a bit wrong!

The most important thing is... That girl doesn't look good!

Let alone compare with the sister-in-law, the girl in the magic palace does not know how much better than her. Why does the boss like her?

"Not bad." Di Beichen nodded, naturally.

Gong Jun fixedly looked at Emperor Beichen for a while, and after confirming that he had not heard it wrong, his expression was very strange and authentic: "What about the sister-in-law?"

He knows his sister-in-law very well. If there are other girls around after the boss comes back, even if the boss is the Devil Emperor, she would not be with him.

After all, sister-in-law is someone who can't tolerate sand in her eyes.

Di Beichen looked at Gong Jun's appearance and chuckled suddenly.

"You are still a little stupid."

Gong Jun: "???"

Did he say something wrong? Why is he stupid?

Why is this?

He couldn't help turning his head again to look at the painting boat that had left behind, thinking constantly in his mind.

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