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Willow shoots on the moon, the night is like water.

When Baili Hongzhuang and his party came to the residence of the Sixth Elder, they found that the Sixth Elder was not here at all.

In other words, the Sixth Elder never came back after being injured.

"Where else will the Sixth Elder go now?"

Song Lao looked confused, and logically speaking, there was no other place to go except to come back.

Of course, unless it was the Great Elder who knew about this, they called the Sixth Elder and Seventh Elder together, but along the way, they hadn't heard the news at all.

"It should be the fifth elder." Baili Hongzhuang said.

The sixth elders now live temporarily in a place far away from them. There are so many people here, and there has been such a big disturbance just now. As an elder, you will definitely feel that you are not seen by many young children when you return here Appropriate, and the residence of the five elders must be an independent courtyard, which is undoubtedly much more convenient.

As soon as this was said, everyone looked at each other, and suddenly felt that Baili Hongzhuang was right.

"But we don't know where the fifth elder lives." Song Lao couldn't help but say.

"I know." Fu Xuanming said, "I will take you there."

Among the elders of the Fu Family Master's house, the Fifth Elder was the best for him. He had also been to the courtyard where the Fifth Elder lived before.

He hadn't understood why the Five Elders would be better to him before, but he has completely understood it now.

It turned out that he had a very good relationship with the Sixth Elder, so he must be taken care of for the sake of the Sixth Elder.

"it is good."

When they arrived at the courtyard of the fifth elder, they saw the sixth elder unexpectedly.

The two of them were sitting in this yard, laughing and talking while bandaging their wounds.

When Fu Songyang saw the sudden appearance of Fu Xuanming and his party, he was a little surprised at first, and then quickly understood.

"You guys are running to see my joke?"

Fu Songyang opened his mouth with a smile, and the worry could be seen from the faces of these little guys. It must have arrived quickly when he heard the news.

"Elder, how can you say that?"

Song Lao pouted dissatisfiedly, "You said you are so old that you still learn how to fight with young people!"

Fu Songyang: "???"

He turned his head to look at Fu Mingzhi who was on the side, and said, "Jingzhi, this little girl said you are old."

Fu Mingzhi rolled his eyes, this guy is still as shameless as usual.

"What do you mean by saying I am old? It means you are old!"

"I'm the same age as you. If you say I'm old, it means you are old?" Fu Songyang said with a smile.

Fu Mingzhi: "..."

Baili Hongzhuang and others, who were still a little worried, immediately felt relieved after seeing the sixth elders still in the mood to joke.

It seems that this situation is not serious and they do not need to worry.

"You have already seen my situation, don't worry."

Fu Songyang waved his hand, "Such a little skin injury, it will be fine after a while."

Everyone nodded, and the six elders did not seem to be seriously injured. When they wanted to come to this fight, both sides were not cruel, and there was no idea of ​​putting each other to death. It was just a disagreement that broke out in conflict.

Fu Xuanming walked up to the sixth elder with interest, and said with a smile: "Six elders, have you really never heard of such a great thing in the past? You have been hiding too tightly before? Ah, I have known each other for so many years without knowing it at all."

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