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After listening to Fu Junxi's words, Fu Xuanming nodded, his expression even more weird.

"It stands to reason that this is not a secret at all. Why do you think they would do this?"

As long as this secret realm enters, you will definitely know the situation here. According to theory, this concealment is actually meaningless.

It's just that it's really strange that not only the elders of the Fu family didn't explain this situation, even the elders of other families didn't explain this.

"What kind of reasons do you say make them feel unable to say?"

Fu Xuanming looked at everyone. The elders did so tacitly. There must be a reason, otherwise they would not make such a decision rashly.

Therefore, they can only reason from this direction. What is the reason for this?

"I do not know."

Song Lao shook her head first. She didn't understand the previous situation, and even less understood the current situation.

Fu Xuanming glanced at Song Lao, not surprised at what this guy didn't understand at all. In fact, if she really wanted to understand, it would be really strange.

"The situation here may be a bit surprising, but when you think about it, the elders will definitely not harm their children. Maybe they just want us to explore."

Song Qi was silent for a moment and said his thoughts.

The reasons for all this are temporarily unclear, but at least this is certain.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly, her opinion on this point was the same as Song Qi's.

"I think so too."

Seeing that everyone agrees on this point, Fu Xuanming's expression is a bit relaxed. In fact, what he worries most is Song Lao's safety.

Songluo's own strength is not very much robbed. Although this secret choice is not too deep, there is generally no fatal danger, but no one can guarantee this kind of thing, even some small probability events may happen. .

"This time the selection of the Secret Realm looks particularly interesting. I really hope to see it together, but the quota has already been set."

Fu Xuanming sighed, just talking about it.

The choice of this secret realm itself is an opportunity for the crowd to fight for themselves. The children who have been there are all standing aside, how many children of the family?

Every time in order to compete for this place, everyone almost smashed their heads.

"Your current strength almost doesn't meet the requirements for entry."

Fu Junxi looked at Fu Xuanming's pretentiously sad look, and couldn't help laughing, "You just want to go in with Song Lao, but this time it is destined to be no chance."

After Song Luo heard these words, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah, you have no chance!"

"Are you laughing at me?" Fu Xuanming glared at her, "If I'm not worried about your safety, why should I worry about this kind of thing?"

"Well, I know you are all worried about me!"

Song Lao took Fu Xuanming's hand and shook it coquettishly, "I know you are the best to me!"

Upon seeing this, Fu Xuanming showed satisfaction, but Fu Junxi and others could not stand it anymore.

Even if you know where a lover is, you will inevitably encounter such a situation, but these two guys are really torturing people to death!

"You two will get together these days, Song Qi and Yi Xuan will be taken by us to stroll around."

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