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After Baili Hongzhuang and his party left the courtyard of the fifth elders, Songluo was still in the mist.

"Yixuan, what did you and the elder say just now? You left without saying anything?"

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly and said, "Don't you already know what you should know?"

"Already known? How can this be known?"

Song Lao was dumbfounded, she didn't even understand where the problem was, how could she know it all?

Song Lao and Fu Xuanming are also thoughtful, but they also vaguely have some guesses in their hearts.

"Don't think about it, anyway, the Sixth Elder also said that we don't need to worry about this for now, we can take care of ourselves."

Upon seeing this, Song Lao was still a little unwilling. She wanted to figure out what was going on at that time, but she didn't have a chance, which was really uncomfortable.

"Oh, I like watching the show the most. It's a pity that I haven't seen such a big show yet."

Baili Hongzhuang chuckled, "Maybe the Sixth Elder knew your thoughts, so I deliberately didn't tell you."

"The six elders are too bad!"

Song Lao stared, thinking about it carefully, that it is really possible.

"Where are we going today?" Song Qi said, as if he had already turned his attention away from the previous events.

"Let’s go out again today. There was a lot of trouble yesterday, but I didn’t actually make a good stroll. But the night scene was really beautiful, but it’s a pity that you can’t go in and around just by looking at it."

Songluo suddenly became interested again. Yesterday everyone was directly frightened. If you are in a good mood today, you can go out and play happier.

"It just so happens that the food in some restaurants in the magic city tastes very good. Since you are here, I will take you to taste it today."


A group of people went out happily. Last night, everyone did not enjoy themselves, but was frightened. Today is the real time to go out and have a good time.

"We won't be as unlucky today as we were yesterday. We happened to run into them again?" Fu Junxi sighed.

So he is also a member of the main family, but yesterday's situation met Fu Weixue, and they felt it was really troublesome.

"It shouldn't be." Song Lao said.

Baili Hongzhuang and others are all in silence, this is really unsure.

If it is purely accidental, then the probability is naturally very small. I am afraid that the other party is deliberately waiting for them. If they happen to meet, then they really want to hide.

"I don't think Fu Weixue did any excessive actions yesterday, which is a lot more gentle than when the family was separated." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Song Luo nodded, the dark color was a bit unexpected.

"I also found it a bit strange. When I came before, I was worried that I would be excluded here.

But it seems that nothing has happened since yesterday, but it seems that my worry is a bit redundant. "

Song Lao curled her lips, her expression was a bit weird, and obviously this situation was completely different as she had expected.

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes filled with thoughtfulness, and Fu Weixue's character had already been fully revealed when the family was separated and confronted them.

Now this behavior is a bit like the calm before the storm, Yi, or wanting to show that he is not so aggressive in front of Fu Xuanming.

It's just that all this is just a pretense, the true face will be revealed sooner or later, and they can't take it lightly.

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