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Song Lao couldn't help laughing. They came this time, and the dazzling purse must be bleeding heavily.

Fu Xuanming stretched out his hands, looking like I had expected.

"Let you take advantage of it today, and just order what you want to eat later."

As soon as these words came out, Fu Junxi and the other two clapped their hands and shouted.

"Great, I can't see you bleeding like this on weekdays!"

Xuanming hardly comes out on weekdays. Sometimes the two of them want to come out together with Xuanming, but this guy only knows how to practice and has no thoughts at all.

Thinking about it carefully, this guy has been in the magic city for so long, and he doesn't know much about this neighborhood.

If Songluo hadn't come this time, he wouldn't know when he would have time to wander around like today.

"This is the restaurant. It tastes great, I can guarantee it."

Fu Junxi patted his chest, indicating that everyone believed that he would never be wrong.

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the restaurant in front of him, just standing outside, he could already feel how lively it was inside.

Judging from the popularity, the taste of this restaurant must be good.

"Walk around, go in and taste it."

Everyone walked in with a smile, and they were parted when they wandered around this morning. Everyone laughed and made noises, as if they hadn't been so happy for a long time.

After finally entering, everyone immediately found that the inside was almost full.

"This business is too good." Song Lao looked around and couldn't help sighing.

This restaurant is already larger in scale than the restaurants you see on weekdays, but even so, it is still full, which shows how good the business is.

"It's impossible to find a box here, but it's okay to sit down directly in this lobby."

Fu Junxi looked around and noticed that there was an empty table on the side, then hurried over and sat down as quickly as possible.

Seeing his extremely skilled behavior, Baili Hongzhuang and others immediately understood that this kind of thing was obviously not the first time, and I am afraid that they have long been a frequent customer of this restaurant.

Song Lao sat down closely, his expression still a bit surprised.

"Clever, this one is quick-eyed and quick-handed. If it is slower, this position will have to be robbed by others."

She just noticed that another wave of people was also preparing to take this position, but Fu Junxi's speed was faster.

"Songluo, see what you want to eat."

Fu Xuanming handed the menu to Song Lao with a smile on his face.

I have always thought about the opportunity to take Songluo to the magic city to walk around. Today I finally fulfilled this wish.

Song Lao looked at the menu in front of him, and he handed it to Fu Junxi.

"You are a frequent visitor here, so let you order."

"I'm not picky eaters, as long as it is delicious."

Fu Junxi fell in love with Baili Hongzhuang and Song Qi again, and the two also nodded, and gave him the order.

"Don't worry, it will be okay to leave it to me, the taste will never be bad."

When Fu Junxi excitedly ordered the food, everyone waited in peace.

At this time, a teasing voice rang.

"Oh, isn't this Fu Xuanming?"

"Is this taking the girl I like from the branch to try it out?"

Hearing this sound, the people couldn't help but turn their heads, only to find that a few people beside the table next door were looking at them with interest.

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