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When she went out today, she heard some people talking in low voices, and even looked at her with different eyes.

This matter is really disgraceful, Fuwei never lives here on weekdays, which has attracted many people's speculation.

It's just that everyone doesn't know what happened before. Although there are some doubts in their hearts, it is only that Fu Wei's mind is in cultivation.

In addition, Fu Wei does not come out on weekdays, everyone has basically forgotten her, not to mention the power of her own father, even if someone knows the matter, it will not be unhappy at this time.

But after this Fu Songyang came, everything that was originally hidden was directly put on the bright surface.

He didn't cover it originally, and Fu Wei came out at this time. When the two people got together, everyone was more curious.

In this way, all the original things are naturally involved.

"A elder in the district dare to step on our heads. If he doesn't give him some color, he really thinks he is invincible."

Fu Weixue narrowed her eyes slightly, what she wanted to deal with before was just a loose bale.d

Speaking carefully, she didn't even treat Song Lao as a real opponent, she just wanted to let Song Lao know the gap between them through the surrounding environment, so that she could just retreat in the face of difficulties.

After all, her entry into the WTO really took a shot at such a separation girl who was not as good as her everywhere, and it seemed that she was too caressed and had no measure at all.

However, there was nothing on her side, but the trouble on Dad's side appeared first.

When Fu Yunlu heard Fu Weixue's words, they couldn't help but glance at each other. It seemed that she was about to make a move!

"Wei Xue, what are you going to do?" Fu Yun appeared worried, "How do you say that we are all juniors, what do you do with the elders, I am afraid it will be a little difficult!"

What they can do for the juniors is undoubtedly aimed at the juniors. If you want to deal with the elders, relying on them is definitely not enough.

Not to mention their strength, they can't be the elder's opponent, even if they go to find a helper, what elder will be willing to take action for them?

Moreover, once the Dongchuang incident occurs and everyone knows about it, that will be really troublesome.

The juniors are openly asking the elders for trouble, it is disrespectful, even if they are the masters, the elders will not be able to protect them.

Fu Weixue sneered, "If this elder's troubles can't be found, then ask for minor troubles.

Don't these six elders like to protect them? I want to see how he protects it after the incident is really caused! "

Fu Weixue's eyes were full of coldness, "Then Lan Yixuan and Fu Songyang sang and dug a hole for my dad. On the surface, they seemed to be complimenting my dad, but in fact they were mocking at all!

When she saw this Lan Yixuan before, she already felt very unhappy.

The appearance of this woman undermined her plan time and time again, and everything went smoothly.

If it weren't for her, Fu Xuanming would be troubled now, and she would be able to take this opportunity to close the relationship between the two.

And if there was no Lan Yixuan in the middle, Fu Songyang would not have the arrogance.

None of this has anything to do with her!

"Weixue, are you going to deal with Lan Yixuan?" Fu Yunlu asked with some worry.

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