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As Fu Haoqiang's voice fell, everyone immediately understood the reason why he was so determined to win today.

It turned out to be for this!

Who doesn't know how important this secret is?

It’s just that Lan Yixuan has said before that she doesn’t know this at all. Although no one knows whether this is true or not, even if they really master this method, they are flatly reluctant to tell others. of.

At this moment, Fu Haoqiang came to the door directly because of this, and understood that this meant that he didn't believe it, and didn't know how Lan Yixuan would answer this?

Fu Xuanming and the others frowned, but they didn't expect the Seventh Elders to be so arrogant.

The seventh elder did not get the desired result from the sixth elder, and now he asked Fu Haoqiang to come to Yixuan for a result.

This posture can hardly be regarded as a conspiracy, it is simply strong!

Excitement, coercion, temptation, etc. have all come. If this is not agreed, I am afraid that I don't know how many things are waiting for them. Such an approach is really despicable.

"Fu Haoqiang, didn't Yi Xuan say that she didn't know this method at all? You are still pressing here, it's too much!"

Fu Xuanming's eyes were full of irritation. He really didn't expect these guys and brothers to be so innocent, even facing a girl.

"Fu Xuanming, I am talking to Lan Yixuan, not to you.

You only need to take care of your Songluo, and I didn’t bother with her. You are too wide to manage! "

Fu Haoqiang also became angry, "You are indeed good among cultivators, and I know, but I am a pharmacist, don't you still want to insert your hand into our alchemy hall?"

Fu Songyang's expression changed slightly, but this is not bad at all.

Their cultivators and pharmacists belong to two categories. Everyday, everyone is in the well and not in the river, and indeed there is no intersection between them.

If you say you have to intervene in this matter, it will be very annoying for this group of pharmacists to cause trouble.

"I really don't have the method you said." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Hearing this, the ridicule in Fu Haoqiang's eyes became stronger. He didn't believe what the woman said, and everything was just unwilling to say it.

But he can understand this situation, but his task today is to let this woman speak out no matter what!

Before he could speak, he heard the woman's voice again.

"If you really want to bet, I still have a newly created prescription here."

When these words came out, everyone present couldn't help but change their faces, even Song Lao and others looked at her in astonishment.

I have never heard Yixuan talk about it before!

It's already amazing to create one kind of pill in such a short period of time. I didn't expect Yixuan to create other pills. This is too terrifying!

What did the previous rumors say?

Many people think that Yixuan's ability to create the first magic pill was originally a coincidence, and it was luck against the sky, and it was actually very difficult to create another pill.

Of course, even the alchemists of the Demon Realm, there are many people who can't create others after they have created one kind of medicine.

After all, there were already a lot of pills in this Demon Realm, and there were all kinds of pills with various needs.

It was not easy to create a new kind of pill under the premise of so many pill prescriptions, and Yi Xuan was able to create one of them, that was extremely powerful.

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