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Seeing Lan Yixuan's promise, Fu Haoqiang couldn't help but get a little thicker on the face.

What he was afraid of was that Lan Yixuan would change her mind temporarily. Although it was a bit unpleasant to say at that time, he really didn't have such a good opportunity.

Fu Weixue and the others looked at each other, feeling a little joy in their hearts.

This woman is not afraid of tigers when she is a fledgling young woman. She really thinks she is great. It's not a good lesson to learn how deep the water in the magic city is. It's not something people like her can provoke!

"Let's talk, how to bet."

Lan Yixuan looked at Fu Haoqiang, this guy came here with sufficient preparations, just to see that her alchemy level is not strong enough, I am afraid that she has not taken her seriously.

"You and I compare the alchemy technique. Whoever refines the pill with the highest level will win, how about?" Fu Hao said strongly.

Upon hearing this, Fu Weixue and the others seemed very happy, and they were sure that Lan Yixuan could not be Fu Haoqiang's opponent in this regard.

"Father would be very happy if he knew that we could get a pill back for this one."

Fu Weixue was proud. Although this situation was a little bit different from their initial thoughts, it was generally an excellent result.

Baili Hongzhuang's gaze fell on Fu Weixue who was on the side. She had already noticed the girl's appearance before. Looking at Fu Haoqiang's different reactions before and after, it was not difficult to guess that this matter must be related to Fu Weixue.

In the whole thing, she should have done a lot.

If you want to take advantage of her, you have to see if you have that ability!

"Yixuan just came from the demon realm. You have been learning alchemy for so long. It would be too unfair to compete with alchemy!" Song Lao hurriedly said.

Yixuan is only a second-tier pharmacist. Although the guy in front of her doesn't know her strength, she can guess that it will not be bad, otherwise she won't have the confidence to make trouble.

"Lady Lan has been studying alchemy for a long time? What's unfair?" Fu Haoqiang said, "This matter is not your business, she hasn't spoken yet, so you don't need to stand up for her. "

In front of him, Song Lao and Fu Xuanming seemed to be nosy masters. If the two of them weren't there, this matter would have been easier, but these two guys kept obstructing them.

If this continues, it will be troublesome once the matter is destroyed.


Song Lao was a little uneasy, and when she was about to sing the theory, Baili Hongzhuang held her back.

"Yixuan." Song Lao looked at Lan Yixuan beside her with worry in her eyes.

Baili Hongzhuang patted her hand and said, "It's okay."

The next moment, her gaze turned to Fu Haoqiang, and said: "Just make it so."

Seeing that Baili Hongzhuang agreed without thinking, Fu Haoqiang felt a little strange.

Anyone with a discerning eye would feel that such a test is a bit unfair. He thinks that Lan Yixuan's attitude should be more exaggerated than Song Lao and the others. Didn't expect that she would agree so indifferently?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The easier it is to agree, the more weird he feels!

Fu Weixue and the others also found it strange, but since Lan Yixuan agreed, it was a good thing after all.

"Then let's go to the Pill Refining Hall to compete now." Fu Haoqiang suggested.

This matter should not be delayed, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

"Good." Baili Hongzhuang replied faintly, and walked out.

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