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If this kind of thing were changed to an ordinary young man, he would already show off happily, for fear that someone would not know.

But Lan Yixuan is completely opposite to the others on this point.

When the reputation of Chu Mo Pill came out, she was extremely indifferent. If everyone knew that this pill was created by her, it would be directed at the appearance of her daily performance, how can she be seen as the creator? ?

This created another kind of prescription, but everyone hadn't heard the least bit of news before, and even now, she still looks as usual, without any madness at all.

When Fu Mingzhi saw this, he also nodded. No wonder Fu Songyang has always been so optimistic about Lan Yixuan. This girl is indeed different from ordinary young people.

After Fu Xinghe and Fu Songyang saw each other, the disgust in their eyes was undoubtedly obvious.

"Fuxinghe, you are quite capable." Fu Songyang opened his mouth. "Your own conspiracy can't be completed, so let your disciple go out. Sure enough, when the wicked guy gets old, he will only become the old guy!"


Fu Mingzhi knew that Fu Songyang looked at Fu Xinghe unhappily, but this sentence really surprised him.

This guy had spoken a little bit before anyway, but now it was good, he was not at all polite when he spoke, and even the old yin was scolded.

Fu Xinghe was also a little dumbfounded. Although he did things with tricks, he really hadn't talked like this on the face of it.

Suddenly being scolded like this by Fu Mingzhi, he was overwhelmed for a while.

"Fu Songyang, don't go too far!" Fu Xinghe said angrily.

"You were so shameless, I can tell you the truth, why are you so embarrassed?"

Fu Songyang didn't care at all, what this guy did was really maddening, and it was really shameless to the extreme!

Fu Xinghe snorted coldly, all his thoughts were on Lan Yixuan's body, but he didn't bother to talk to this guy.

"The elder is here!"

After everyone noticed the appearance of Fu Xinghe and the two, they couldn't help but yelled, and then everyone turned their eyes. Sure enough, the elder was alarmed by such a big movement.

Baili Hongzhuang looked outside and noticed that not only the sixth and seventh elders were here, but also the great elders.

"Grand Elder!"

Everyone bowed respectfully, but they didn't expect that this incident would alarm the elders.

The elder's sight swept across everyone, and finally fell on Baili Hongzhuang's body.

The surprise that this girl brings to them is really big!

"I heard there was a competition today."

There was a smile on the face of the great elder, and he had already heard the whole story clearly when he walked along the way.

He originally pinned his hopes on Fu Xinghe, but later learned that this method did not seem to work, which made him a little disappointed.

Unexpectedly, the disciple of the Seventh Elder brought him another surprise, and he was also very satisfied with it.

After everyone saluted, the Seventh Elder had already stepped forward and explained the matter in detail, and finally the eyes of the Great Elder fell on the two of them.

"Have you two decided to have this test? Once it starts, so many people testify, but you can't regret it."

Fu Haoqiang saw that even the Great Elder was here, and the whole person was indescribably excited. How could there be such an opportunity on weekdays!

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