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Fu Haoqiang was full of confidence and thought that he had picked up the big bargain. He was afraid that this girl had already seen through all of this, and she had deliberately set up a trap to wait for them to jump.

Fu Mingzhi nodded slightly, he felt so too.

Fu Songyang had always worried about this girl before, but now it seems that this girl is smart, I am afraid that they don't need to worry about it at all.

Song Lao watched Baili Hongzhuang expertly refine the pill. She had actually only seen Yi Xuan refine the pill once before. At that time, she refined it to prove her strength in front of the Six Elders.

When refining the second-grade pill, it also looked like this familiar road. Now even when refining the fourth-grade pill, it is the same. You can't feel the slightest difficulty at all. This is its powerful point.

"Xuanming, I suddenly felt that we might win."

I didn’t have enough confidence at first, but now I look at it, but I think the possibility of winning is not small...

"I think so too." Fu Xuanming nodded with a complicated expression, "We really don't know enough about Yixuan's strength."

This appearance is definitely not the first time to refining a four-tier pill, but they have never paid attention to it.

They knew that Yi Xuan had been in retreat all day and had been very busy. Now they realized that Yi Xuan might be working harder than they had seen.

They thought that her mind was all on cultivation, but in fact, she never slackened in alchemy.


Fortunately, Yixuan is their friend, otherwise there is such an opponent, that would really be troublesome.

"Wei Xue, I see something wrong with this situation..."

Fu Yunlu saw that most of this medicinal material had already entered the alchemy furnace, and Lan Yixuan showed no signs that it could not be refined, and naturally realized that something was wrong.

If she didn't have such strength, it would have been a problem at this point in refining, but she was still so indifferent, and she was not affected at all, then it would be a little strange...

Naturally, Fu Weixue also noticed this, and when he heard Fu Yunlu's reminder, the originally ugly face suddenly became even more ugly.

In this competition, Fu Haoqiang must win!

Once you lose, then you really lost your wife and broke down.

He was originally the pharmacist that Dad had spent a lot of energy training over the years. Once he loses today, it means he is not a member of the Fu family, and naturally he is not Dad's apprentice.

At that time, not only did they not get the pill, but also a helper like Fu Haoqiang, it was really too bad!

All of this should have been fixed, but now there is a feeling of complete uncontrollable, which is really uncomfortable.

Fu Haoqiang and Emi paid attention to the situation aside. He had just become a fourth-rank pharmacist, even if he was a practitioner who made alchemy together, many people did not know that his strength had reached this step.

Originally this was what he deliberately hid, and he planned to wait until the next big competition to let people know it, but now it is used first.

However, he thought that everyone would be very surprised to know that he refining the fourth-grade pill, but found that everyone present seemed to be focusing on Lan Yixuan's body, he couldn't help feeling strange.

What did Lan Yixuan do?

Why did everyone watch her completely ignore herself?

He couldn't help turning his gaze, and was a little dumbfounded when he noticed Lan Yixuan's medicine that was exactly the same as himself.

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