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"Don't be too proud of you too early, it's not to the end, everything is still bad!"

Fu Haoqiang snorted. He did not expect that Lan Yixuan could refine the fourth-rank pill. How did a cultivator who had just ascended from the demon realm become a fourth-rank alchemist in such a short time? of?

This was like an incomprehensible mystery, he couldn't even understand how Lan Yixuan did it.

It's just that now is not the time to think about these, the most important thing is the result.

Looking at the pill that Fu Haoqiang had refined, Fu Songyang couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

He was very disdainful of Fu Xinghe, but he had to say that Fu Haoqiang's pill refining level was still very good, the quality of the pill was excellent, and the quantity was quite large.

Being able to become a Tier 4 pharmacist at this age shows that this alchemy talent is really strong.

As long as you continue to develop in this way, you will soon become a powerful genius.

Fu Xinghe looked at the pill that Fu Haoqiang refined, and his thoughts were placed on Lan Yixuan's body. He was even more curious about the pill that this girl refined.

"Pills are of high quality and quantity."

The three came to this result together.

Hearing this, Fu Haoqiang's face showed a smug smile.

He is still very confident in the pill that he refines, both are first-class.

Lan Yixuan actually chose the same pill like him, and once he was beaten in the face at this moment, it was really badly beaten!

Dead end!

When Fu Xinghe opened the lid of Lan Yixuan's alchemy furnace, her expression instantly solidified.

He looked at the situation in the alchemy furnace in amazement, and suddenly wondered if he had read it wrong.

What did he see?

Everyone was very curious about the condition of the pill that Lan Yixuan refined, and when he noticed Fu Xinghe's strange expression, everyone's curiosity was aroused.

"What happened to Lan Yixuan's pill? Why is the Seventh Elder's expression so weird?"

Fu Yun showed a look of curiosity. She often saw the Seventh Elders on weekdays, and she still knew something about the attitude of the Seventh Elders.

Such an expression... It was clear that he had seen something incredible.

"You let us take a look!"

Seeing Fuxinghe, Fu Mingzhi stood motionless, blocking them, and couldn't help but remind him.

What does this guy stand here without moving? Can't you still want to do anything in front of so many people?

Fu Songyang was not surprised by this situation. He had seen Yixuan's alchemy. After seeing the pill made by Yixuan, the reaction was actually similar to Fu Xinghe's.

This guy's expression now, presumably what he saw should be similar to what he expected.

Fu Mingzhi was very dissatisfied with Fu Xinghe. This guy was not a good thing, but now he deliberately blocks them, which is really disgusting.

He strode forward, walked directly to the side of Fu Xinghe, and looked into the pill furnace.

It was just this look, his expression stopped, and he looked at the pill inside in astonishment, wondering if he was dazzled.

When everyone saw the Fifth Elder rubbing their eyes, their curiosity became even stronger. What was going on in this alchemy furnace? Can the two elders show such a surprised expression?

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