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Fu Songyang now has a clear understanding of Lan Yixuan, that is, this girl is really amazing.

In fact, her alchemy methods are different from others. Whether it is the ability to create an elixir or the method of refining an elixir, she has her own know-how.

Others are concealing their own abilities, and they are afraid that others will steal it, but this girl is powerful, because no one can learn...

When Fu Xinghe listened to the conversation between the two people beside him, he realized that Lan Yixuan originally had such an ability, and suddenly his opinion of this girl changed slightly.

This kind of person is simply a good meal.

This talent in alchemy is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people. With so many abilities, you can know that in the future, alchemy must be a very terrible master.

You don't need to learn art from anyone, just relying on yourself is enough to become a master.

Such a genius was something they had never seen before, and even thought it was impossible to exist, but now it appeared in front of them like this.

Fu Haoqiang lost.

Fu Xinghe had the result immediately in his heart.

On this point alone, Fu Haoqiang could not be her opponent.

This girl was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger before, so her low-key appearance was not clear, so that everyone did not know her true strength.

Even after being separated for so long, everyone thought she was just a second-tier alchemist.

If it weren't for Fu Haoqiang to force her to this point, she herself dug a hole and let Fu Haoqiang jump in. It is afraid that after a long time, no one would know how strong this girl is.

I can stand it!

Fu Haoqiang was on the side, watching the reactions of the elders, he snorted in his heart, with a very bad premonition.

The great elder saw the three of them standing there like that, and no one announced a result. The young children around had already started talking in a noisy manner, and couldn't help but say: "What is the result?"

After this reminder, the three people who were lost in thought came back to their senses.

"Lan Yixuan, the pill is first-class, and the number is good."

Generally speaking, this good result is undoubtedly superior, but when they heard the word superior this time, everyone couldn't help but froze for a while, and they couldn't recover for a while.

Did they hear it wrong?

First class?

This is the first time I have heard of this lyrics!

However, after hearing the results from the three elders, everyone understood that this situation was true, and their curiosity about Lan Yixuan grew even stronger.

"How many pills did the blue girl refining? Why did she come to a superior conclusion?"

"The three elders were shocked just now. Presumably this number should be no less, more than one. The elders should not have such an attitude?"

"I think there must be at least two, then this is too powerful!"

Everyone in the Alchemy Academy is very clear about how many more pills are coming and how big the difference is.

It is not the alchemist who may not be aware of what this means, but theirs is very clear.

Fu Haoqiang's face instantly turned pale, and this result has undoubtedly declared him a failure!

Lan Yixuan actually won?

Not relying on other places to defeat him, but relying on the number of pills?

His eyes were full of unwillingness and suspicion, and he walked directly to Lan Yixuan's alchemy furnace, he did not believe what everyone said.

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