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"Lady Blue, is the pill you said about it true?"

Fu Weixue also raised her own question at this moment. Lan Yixuan directly took out this pill to make a bet, but no one knew whether what he said was true or false.

She had never thought about this before, because she had determined that Lan Yixuan would definitely lose. Since she dared to put forward such a reading, she must have had it.

But until now, they didn't know that Lan Yixuan was not just a second bottle alchemist. She refining a fourth-grade pill was so simple, showing her true strength.

This also meant that Lan Yixuan was confident from the beginning, knowing that he would definitely win, so the purpose of proposing such a condition was to cheat Fu Haoqiang.

With such a big bet, Fu Haoqiang simply couldn't come up with the corresponding conditions, so she directly stated this request.

Looking back carefully at this moment, all the things I didn't understand before have come to understand.

Originally, they thought they had set a trap and waited for Lan Yixuan to be recruited. Now it seems that Lan Yixuan set a trap for them, and they are still triumphant.

Thinking of it this way, they are the real jokes.

Nowadays, even if there are elders to help them, people with discerning eyes know that this matter is because they can't help Lan Yixuan, and they are at a loss.

This sentence of Fu Weixue turned everyone's attention to the prescription. At first, when Lan Yixuan proposed this prescription, everyone was full of curiosity.

Everyone thought that once Fu Haoqiang succeeds, this pill will fall into his hands, which is really happy.

Unexpectedly, the situation afterwards was a bit beyond their expectations. Fu Haoqiang lost, naturally there was no reason to continue to understand.

"What does Miss Wei Xue mean by asking this now?"

Baili Hongzhuang spoke slowly, and instead of answering her question directly, she asked instead.

Fu Weixue was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect that she would say this, and said: "I'm just a little curious."

"It doesn't seem to be the time to talk about this."

Baili Hongzhuang looked away, obviously not wanting to communicate with him.

These guys have played well with the wishful thinking, the bet they owed is not going to be fulfilled, and now they still want to give the coveted pill.

Such a wishful sale, is he really a fool?

The great elder was originally unmoved, but he became interested when he heard this pill.

The reason he came here today is because he heard the pill.

The effect of the Chu Mo Pill was really good, it brought huge gains to the Fu family, and at the same time it also spread the reputation of the Fu family.

During this period of time, they have been keenly aware of how big the difference is. I have to say that this girl is too important to their family.

If she had other pills in her hand, and the effect was not weaker than the first magic pills, then it would be great news for all of them.

"Lady Lan, how is the effect of this pill?" the elder said slowly, and looked at Fu Songyang on the side, "This is a single dialect, with such a good effect, we can treat Lady Lan better Some, the share ratio can also be increased."

He knew that this incident would indeed make Lan Yixuan unhappy, but it caused the family to lose a young talented alchemist. Such a price is also unwilling to them.

Therefore, it can only be recovered from other directions.


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