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After seeing everyone dispersed, Song Lao hurried to the door of Fu's house. After realizing that he hadn't seen Lan Yixuan's figure, he couldn't help sighing, and his expression was a bit lonely.

"Yixuan has left."

The previous situation was very hasty, and Yixuan was in danger again, so it was indeed inappropriate to elaborate.

But now they can't find Yixuan anymore after they come out, and they don't know where she will go in the future. The connection between them will never be broken, right?

"Then we won't see Yixuan anymore?"

Songluo's eyes were red, and she was about to cry.

She and Yi Xuan have a very good relationship, and they have been together all this time.

When Fu Weixue troubled her, Yixuan had been helping her all the time, and the reason why she could practice again was all because of Yixuan.

If something like this happened today, she couldn't do anything to help. If Xiang Yueze didn't happen to be here, then things would be troublesome.

It's just that even if Yixuan were to leave, at least they could speak. Now they are separated directly, and there is no opportunity to speak, which is really uncomfortable.

"Songluo, don't be sad."

Seeing tears in Song Lao's eyes, Fu Xuanming hurriedly said: "Yixuan may contact us after finding a place to stay."

"Sang Yueze shouldn't be wicked, should he take care of Yixuan?"

Song Lao couldn't help being anxious. Today, this incident was really completely unexpected, and he was not prepared at all.

Not long after Yixuan came to the Demon Realm, she stayed in the Fu Family after Fei Sheng, and now she is in the Demon City. Once she leaves the Fu Family, she has nowhere to go.

Fu Xuanming is actually also anxious, but now they have no other way. Fortunately, Yi Xuan has always been a very smart girl, and she must have a way to deal with it.

"Can you find Ai Yueze?" Song Lao pondered.

Yixuan doesn’t know anyone in the magic city, and they naturally don’t know where to find her, but Xiang Yueze has always been in the magic city. As long as they can find Xiang Yueze, they will definitely know where Yi Xuan is. .

"This..." Fu Xuanming looked embarrassed, "Don't worry, we still knew where Xiang Yueze was when we were in Yinsong City, but in this magic city, we haven't even been to the magic palace. .

It's not easy to find him in such a big magic palace, but we will try to find a way. "

Fu Junxi and the others also nodded, and Miss Lan left like this. None of them can rest assured. They will definitely find a chance to meet her and know her next plan and where to live.

Fu Songyang also walked out at this moment, looking at the expressions of a few people and already guessed the situation.

"I will find a way to find Ai Koshizawa."

It is not easy for other people to find Ai Koshizawa, but he knows Ai Koshizawa's grandfather, and it is not difficult to find out the whereabouts of Ai Koshizawa.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes brightened, as long as the Sixth Elders came forward to find, then this matter would undoubtedly become much easier.

"Sixth Elder, you must find Yi Xuan!" Song Lao said anxiously.

"Do not worry."

Fu Songyang's eyes were serious, he must take good care of Lan Yixuan, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen today. The Great Elder and the Seventh Elder really didn't want any face now, beyond his expectation.

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