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When Baili Hongzhuang heard this, he already understood their plan.

Xuanming came to the main house for so long, so that he could have the opportunity to stay in the magic city, and the possibility of leaving now is actually a big blow to him.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, continuing to stay in the Fu's house is indeed dangerous.

Once targeted, his situation in the host's house will inevitably be difficult and not easy.

Unless he really marries Fu Weixue, maybe all these difficulties can be solved directly, but she understands Fu Xuanming, he can't give up Songluo.

Seeing Baili Hongzhuang lost in thought, Fu Songyang said again: "Maybe we have found a better place, and it is possible to join a certain force directly.

I think I stayed in the magic city for a long time, and I knew a lot of people. "

Baili Hongzhuang raised her eyebrows slightly, and she noticed a little arrogance from the expression of the sixth elder. It seemed that the people the sixth elder knew in the magic city were not simple.

"Our business, you don't need to think too much, you can always find a suitable place." Fu Songyang smiled lightly, "My business here today is to give you this."

As he said, Baili Hongzhuang saw Fu Songyang handing over a storage ring, with some doubts in his eyes, "What is this?"

"Your First Devil Pill has made so much contribution to the Fu Family, how can you leave without taking anything? That would be too bad."

Fu Songyang sighed, "You girl really relies on your own talents and you have no fear. With so many cultivation resources, I don't know how many cultivators have to fight for their heads. It's okay for you. You don't even intend to leave these things. wanted.

You think so, I can't let you suffer such a loss. "

"After you left yesterday, I went directly to the master's accountant. How many Primordial Pills they sold during this period, and took them all according to the amount you deserved."

Having said this, Fu Songyang couldn't help but chuckled, his expression expressing a bit of pride.

"Fortunately, my speed is fast enough. Before those guys could react, I went directly to the accountant, otherwise I am afraid that everything will be ruined again."

Anyway, what the Fu family did this time was ridiculously wrong. After such a large loss, they naturally thought of making this loss as small as possible.

However, he naturally won't let these guys get what they want.

All those who owe Lan Yixuan must be brought back!

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang's eyes couldn't help but fill with a thick color of surprise. I really didn't expect the Six Elders to even think of such things.

"Hurry up and put it away."

Fu Songyang directly stuffed the storage ring into Baili Hongzhuang's hands, and said: "The training resources at the division have not yet been settled, and I will bring it to you next time."

"it's OK."

Baili Hongzhuang chuckled, she should keep what the master owed. As for the separation, it really doesn't matter.

"It doesn't matter what?" Fu Songyang took a look at her, "Don't look at the good relationship between us and you. You have this attitude toward the Fu family.

You directly separate us from the Fu family. The Fu family treats you so much, how can you let these guys have a good time? "

Looking at Fu Songyang's outrageous appearance when he talked about Qifujia, the smile in Baili Hongzhuang's eyes gradually deepened. This scene really made people feel very warm.

"I understand."

"That's not enough." Fu Songyang said seriously again.

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