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When Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei came out, there was already a Qiankun bag in the hands of Baili Red Makeup.

Not only did she have a parchment scroll that she was interested in, but also the 600,000 gold coins in the hands of Xie Qiyi. She said that she earned a lot.

Xiaohei and Xiaobai’s eyes shimmered with sparkling light. I didn’t expect Xie Qiyi to die and gave them so many gold coins. It’s really good.

Originally, their dislike of Xie Qiyi fell with Xie Qiyi, and after adding so many gold coins, it also dissipated.

Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei returned to Yuanjia, but important members of the entire Yuan family met in the Chamber of Deputies.

Obviously, the overlord swordsmanship has also taken a hand for Yuan Jia, and it is also worthy of congratulations.

In this regard, Baili Red Makeup and Emperor Beibei naturally do not disturb, but directly return to the house to practice.

The night slowly moved Lin, and the whole Yuanwu City fell into the dark, but the white snow still reflected the bright light at night.

Compared with Yuan Jia’s joy, Liu’s calm, Xie’s family is in an anxiety.

After Xie Honglang returned to the family, he told the people that Xie Qiyi was in a bad mood and would return later.

At first, Xie’s family did not go to the heart. This is what Xie Qiyi often does, and it seems normal to them.

It’s just that as time goes by, they only feel that things are weird. Although Xie Honglang is willful, he will not be so unconstrained.

Xie Jia quickly sent people out to look for it. He only looked for a long time and never knew that someone had seen Xie Qiyi. In the end, they learned about Xie Qiyi in the Qinglou.

After knowing this, Xie’s family was furious and there was such a joke at the auction. Now I dare to go to the Green House to be happy?

The Xie family’s lord immediately took Xie Qiyi back, and he had to give a good lesson to this unfilial son.

However, the Xie Jiazhi only found the woman who was stunned in the brothel, but Xie Qiyi was gone, which made the whole Xie family horrified.

Not to mention that Xie Qiyi is the heir to Xie's family, and Xie Qiyi can still carry 600,000 gold coins. It is a huge blow to the entire Xie family.

Xie Jia’s search for Xie Qiyi naturally escaped the sight of Yuan Jia and Liu Jia. Therefore, after Xie Qiyi’s disappearance, Yuan Jia and Liu Jia had already known the news.

"Xie Qiyi is missing?"

Yuan Hongyang's brows were slightly wrinkled. He couldn't help but think of the fact that the two emperors had left the first place. Will this matter be the result of the emperor?

Although this is only a conjecture, Yuan Hongyang does not have any evidence, but once this idea emerges, it can no longer be erased.

Because, if you want to do this in Yuanwu City without knowing it, you should only have two hundred red makeup.

Yuan Liqing and Yuan Chengyu are both understanding people. Rao is that they affirm this answer but they will not say it.

One is that Baili Red Makeup is their friend, and the second is that Xie Qiyi’s death has no small benefit to them.

"The two emperors have been with you all the time, right?" Yuan Chengyu asked in a voice.

Yuan Hongyang and Yuan Liqing nodded without hesitation. "Yes, we will be back together as soon as the auction is over. They have been with us."

When this was said, Yuan Chenghao, Yuan Hongyang and Yuan Liqing were all smiling and they had reached a consensus.

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