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Is this girl who Lan Yixuan really looks like?

All they saw that day was just wearing a mask?

Although such an idea didn't come to my mind at the beginning, but after thinking about it at this moment, I suddenly understood it.

Even at their level of cultivation, they can hide their appearance.

On weekdays, they did feel that there was no need to do this at all, but judging from the beauty of the girl, hiding her appearance might reduce a lot of trouble.

"Big brother, what we saw that day may not be the real her..."

Wen Rongyuan's expression is complicated, even if no one has directly proved this, but after connecting the whole thing together, I only feel that there should be no mistake in this way.

Wen Lexian naturally realized this, and his heart was full of shock.

When he saw Lan Yixuan that day, he still felt that this girl was also talented, and this kind of appearance was really something that no one could appreciate in the Devil Realm.

It's okay now, it's been a joke for a long time, this girl in blue is so beautiful.

"You said that that night, did the Devil Emperor see through her disguise?"

An idea suddenly appeared in Wen Lexian's mind. He felt strange when this incident happened that day.

If it happened to other people, this fate would definitely not be preserved, but Lan Yixuan was nothing, and the whole thing was like a false alarm.

If she sees through her beauty, it is possible that she didn't kill her directly.

It's just that if you are fancy, you can take her away directly, but nothing happened in the whole process, which is really strange.

Wen Rongyuan was also stunned, and subconsciously looked at the figure in front of her, she really became more astonished as she watched.

This girl is not only amazing, but the more she looks at it, the more amazing she is. She is very enduring and feels impeccable no matter how she looks.

If the Devil Emperor would like a girl who met for the first time, she would not hesitate to think it was impossible.

Just facing the girl in front of her, she felt that it was really possible.

"Although she looks really good-looking, she wore a mask that day. I think even if the Devil Emperor sees it through, she can be taken away directly.

Even if it didn't, there should be some movement now.

You have been watching it for several days, have you heard any movement in this regard? "Wen Rongyuan said.

What kind of existence is the Devil Emperor?

If you want to find out their whereabouts, you don't need to spend much time at all, and you will soon know who is on the boat that day.

"I feel so too."

Wen Lexian only dispelled his thoughts after hearing this. In fact, thinking about it, it is indeed the same, the possibility is not very great.

This answer also gave him a lot of peace of mind. If there is such a possibility, they should really worry now.

"Yixuan, to be honest, how is the Han family?"

Song Lao was a little curious. She had never known other masters. It was the first time even her master came, and she didn't understand other families at all.

"I heard the tone of the sixth elder, it seems that I have a better impression of the Han family than my own, is it true?"

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, and Song Lao's gossip temperament did not change.

I originally thought that I was no longer a member of the Fu family, and the relationship between them was a little different from before.

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