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After everyone put on their clothes, their bodies gradually warmed up, and the speed of this movement was also a little faster.

"This secret realm is really strange. With our cultivation base, why do we feel cold?"

Han Junhao showed a thoughtful look. Compared to the chill itself, what was more strange was why they felt cold.

"I don't know." Han Ruyue shook her head, "I have never heard of such a situation."

"I read a lot of books on weekdays, and all parties have read it, but I haven't seen anything like this."

Han Jingwei also nodded. This is what everyone most misses.

"Unfortunately, the elders didn't say anything this time. We didn't even have any news to refer to, so we had to try our luck."

Han Yingying sighed. Over the years, she had come out to practice quite a few times, but for some reason she always felt that the situation this time was strange and weird.

"Since you don't understand, let's take a step by step." Han Yangyan said.

He didn't really care about these situations, and he couldn't figure it out anyway, so he might as well wait to see what he might encounter next.

"it is good."

Baili Hongzhuang followed them in this way. She came here for the first time and didn't know enough about the Demon Realm. It was the first time for her to come to the Secret Realm.

Without understanding, it is naturally impossible to judge the situation.

She had only known from Fu Xuanming and the others that there might be a monster attack in the secret realm. Generally, the stronger the secret realm, the stronger the strength of the magic beast.

With her current cultivation base here is undoubtedly very weak, once attacked by a monster, it is very likely that she will not be able to escape at all.

Therefore, we must always be cautious and guard against danger.

However, everyone did not encounter any danger in the process of moving forward on this road, and it has been calm.

"I heard that the opportunities in the general selection of secrets are very good. The possibility of encountering the treasures of heaven and earth is not small, especially for the secrets that we have come to this time, which not many people have visited. Just more."

Han Yingying looked excited, "I came here with the idea of ​​finding a baby this time, but I haven't seen anything until now."

"It's like an iceberg here, bare, with a piece of whiteness removed from the eyes, not even a single color."

Han Junhao couldn't help sighing that this environment was really different from what they had thought before. Generally speaking, it should be the mountains and forests. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a land of ice and snow.

"What this said is that there is not even a single thing here, there is no dead tree, and the things here can almost be seen at a glance, so what chance is there?"

Han Yingying sighed, as they walked far away, there were no other people in their vicinity except a few people in the team.

"Be careful. I don't know if there are any natural treasures. If you run into a monster, you may not react in time, maybe you will lose your life." Han Jingwei reminded.

They all understand Han Yingying's temperament, and they are more excited than anyone else when they encounter something, but they are careless and careless. Fortunately, Han Junhao has been by her side to protect her, otherwise they would not know how many times they were in danger.

"The environment here is like this, presumably the monsters should also be white all over, if they are lurking in this white, it is really not easy to see."

Han Ruyue glanced at Han Jingwei, and then said her own opinion.

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