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"Usually this is the case." Han Jingwei said.

There are certain laws in nature. Since such a spiritual stone can be born in this secret realm, it means that other places are definitely possible.

Unlike some very rare treasures that can only be born under very harsh conditions, the difficulty of the birth of Lingshi is relatively small.

"I don't think this spirit stone was born here." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Hearing that, everyone couldn't help looking at her in doubt, their expressions showing a little bit of incomprehension.


Han Jingwei looked at Baili Hongzhuang with interest. He felt that their Elder Elder had his own opinions, and he was a little curious.

"There is nothing special about the piece of white snow just now. If it is said that a certain condition has been reached to give birth to this spirit stone, the environment there is no different from the place we have walked before.

Why is there no birth in other places, but only there? "Baili Hongzhuang said.

"Yes, why?"

Han Yingying looked puzzled, and she also didn't understand this problem, not knowing what the problem was.

"It's very simple." Baili Hongzhuang said, "Someone has come in before this secret realm. Maybe someone got this spirit stone from somewhere else, but it happened to drop a piece when passing by."

As the woman's voice fell, the expressions of the few people present gave a slight pause.

Many possibilities have emerged in everyone's minds before, but this kind of thought has not come to mind.

After hearing this at this moment, I suddenly felt that Baili Hongzhuang's reason was more reasonable than the previous speculations.

"It turned out to be like this?"

Han Yingying's eyes were full of shock. She looked at Baili Hongzhuang in amazement. She didn't expect their Elder Elders to be so insightful, and there was no problem with this analysis, so she was especially smooth and easy to understand!

"I also think this is very likely."

Han Junhao nodded slightly, this place was just a piece of snow that couldn't be more simple, and I have already checked it below, and there is no place for energy gathering, so...this statement is more acceptable.

"The elders really have a good opinion." Han Jingwei arched his hands, with a look of admiration, "I can even see through this."

Baili Hongzhuang waved his hand, "It's just a guess, but it's more likely than previous guesses.

However, this is also good news. It can only be said that the place where the spirit stone was born is not here. We just need to spend a little more time to find the birthplace of this spirit stone elsewhere. "

"Those people who have passed from here will prove that our current direction is very likely to be right. Then we don't need to worry about anything. Let's move on."

Han Yingying raised her eyebrows slightly, "Maybe we are lucky enough and we will find it after a while."

"I think we can speed up a bit. The time we could stay here is not very long. Don't hurry to find it now. When this time has passed, it will be too late."

Baili Hongzhuang noticed that Han Yingying had been listless before, but now that he knew that there was a spirit stone, his attitude completely changed, and he wanted to find a spirit stone quickly, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Sure enough, people of this kind of character have always been more interesting. With her, the team is also more lively.

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