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Shangguan Yingying and others, you look at me, I look at you, and then they all laughed helplessly.

History is always surprisingly similar. After experiencing this situation several times over the years, everyone has become used to it.

There are some gaps, it really won't be able to make up for a while, or even for a lifetime.

"Then what shall we do now?"

Ling Huyuan looked at Baili Hongzhuang in amazement. She had always known that Baili girl was a genius, and everything that came to the Demon Realm was all on her own.

Only after seeing the situation at this moment did she clearly know how big the gap was.

"Let's just continue mining." Wen Ziran said.

If they have a cultivation speed like Hongzhuang, then they only need to practice here, even if they don't bring these spirit stones back, the cultivation effect is very impressive.

But now they have no such effect, and the situation is naturally completely different.

It would be better to dig more mines, bring this spirit stone back, and pile it up in the place where they practiced, which will also bring great gains.

Others also agree, anyway, the speed at which they can dig with this shovel is not slow, thinking that these spirit stones will be their harvest by then, which is actually excellent.

Han Yingying and others were trying to dig down this spirit stone, but suddenly felt that the energy inside suddenly surged, and they couldn't help feeling a little at a loss for a while.

"what's the situation?"

"Why is the energy in it suddenly crazy?"

Han Yingying was at a loss. Could it be that after they came in, they caused any fluctuations here?

Han Jingwei looked at the direction of the storm and slowly said: "The elder is over there."

As soon as this was said, everyone couldn't help but glanced at each other, and many ideas came up in their minds.

"Is this movement caused by the elders?"

"I'll go take a look." Han Jingwei said.

Others were still digging for spirit stones, while Han Jingwei walked towards the inside. The closer he got, the bigger the Yuanli storm was.

After getting closer, he looked at the energy storm surging ahead with a bit of awe.

"Sure enough, I am practicing."

Han Jingwei's eyes narrowed slightly. From the news he had learned earlier, he felt that although this elder came from the demon domain, he did not lack training resources.

The signature dish Fu Xuanming ordered in the restaurant was the money she paid, as did Song Lao's skirt.

In today's environment, everyone wants to dig more snacks and go back, but their great elders don't take this to heart at all, and they are directly practicing here.

Such a big energy storm, this talent... is really terrifying.

After Wen Ziran and others felt the movement outside, their expressions suddenly changed, and they quickly stopped their movements.

That guy shouldn't keep coming in, right?

If they come in, they will have to hide!

Everyone stopped their movements and silenced, looking at the front anxiously, their secrets could not be discovered yet.

They only heard that the footsteps stayed outside for a while before leaving, and everyone was relieved.

Fortunately, Hong Zhuang chose to practice outside in order to be safe, and blocked this road so that they could not be found.

Seeing Han Jingwei back, Han Ruyue asked: "What's the situation?"

"The elders are practicing."

Hearing that, everyone immediately understood.

"This place is indeed very suitable for cultivation, but is this movement too big?"

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