Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 108 Clues (Thanks To Warto For The Reward)

Taking the parchment, Solim read it.

This is a task order, and there are all kinds of messy committees under the Presbyterian Church, and Evans belongs to one of them. This order allowed Evans to investigate in detail various information about the basilisk in Hogwarts and give back, so as to lay the foundation for the next action.

"Obviously the Elders want the basilisk. But from what I have now, it looks like you have some kind of control over the basilisk, don't you?" Evans stared at Solim's face.

"You already know, why are you asking me?" Solim moved his shoulders, "What I want to say is, what else can you get if the basilisk is in my hands, if Dumbledore really can't stand the Council of Elders If you let them get rid of the basilisk, you will get nothing. What do you say~?"

Evans didn't speak.

"Or... Dumbledore directly kills the basilisk, and burns the basilisk cleanly with a torch, so that no one can catch it. A great wizard like Dumbledore must have this ability, that's all I'm saying More, you can think about the rest." Solim stood up and was about to leave, "After all, you have to know that Dumbledore already knows you, and if you don't make some work transfers, you will still stay at Hogwarts It's been quite a few years."

Evans knew exactly what the bag of sloughs Solim had given him was a hot potato. The snake slough of a thousand-year-old basilisk, its value is beyond what Garen can measure. If the news that I have this kind of thing in my hand is leaked, of course Solim and Hogwarts will not be able to escape, but I will not get any benefits in the future, and if this kind of thing happens, I will definitely be in Hogwarts at that time. I can't stay here anymore, and I don't know which corner I will be assigned to by then. If......... I choose to conceal, or cover up for Solim and the others, then in return, I will definitely get a lot of benefits. Evans would choose to hide this kind of thing from above, but he would not hide it from his family elders. Being able to build a good relationship with a wizard who owns a thousand-year-old basilisk will obviously improve his status in the family. Think about it, the blood of the basilisk, the scales of the basilisk, the venom of the basilisk...etc. All of this, as long as I choose to hide it from the elders, I will always get it. If I choose to report it, then I will get nothing.

Evans quickly sorted out the relationship of interests. Even if the elders found out that he had concealed something from them in the future, so what? Could they still kill him? At worst, he would be transferred from Hogwarts position, but as long as you hide it for a period of time, you can get very considerable benefits.

Having figured this out, Evans certainly knows what to do in his best interest.

Harry couldn't believe that it was Hagrid who opened the secret room last time! Ronald already knew about it, after all, he and Harry share the same dormitory. During breakfast, Harry told Hermione about it, but let Harry Unexpectedly, Hermione's reaction to this matter was somewhat indifferent.

But anyway, Hermione promised Harry that he would help, which made Harry breathe a sigh of relief, and he knew that Hermione was much better than him and Ronald in terms of brains.

Compared to Harry and Ronald who were dull, Hermione was very wary of that diary allowing people to enter her memory. Thanks to Solim, Hermione gained a lot of knowledge from him. A diary can actually allow others to enter his memory, which is not normal no matter how you look at it, Hermione knows that there are indeed things that allow people to view other people's memories, but as far as Hermione knows, only the Pensieve has this function, And I discussed with Solim about the Pensieve, which is an extremely rare alchemical object. It is difficult to make, and the materials are extremely expensive. The inner and outer walls of the Pensieve are engraved with magic patterns, and there must be a matching alchemy solution in the basin to achieve the effect of watching and remembering.

But the diary Harry mentioned, it looks like an ordinary diary, why can people look at it and remember it? Hermione obviously felt that something was wrong, thinking of the weird timing when Harry picked up this diary, Hermione thought it was Someone had deliberately wanted Harry to have the diary.

But because of Solim's reminder, Hermione also noticed that the school was inappropriate in the Chamber of Secrets incident, so she decided to take another look.

Harry and Ronald were still discussing Hagrid at the dinner table. Those who were very familiar with Hagrid easily believed that it was Hagrid who opened the secret room. And released the monster inside.

After all, it is nothing new for Hagrid to like those monsters. Think about the three-headed dog last semester, think about the fire dragon, and think about Hagrid's expression and tone every time he mentioned his cuties. Of course, Harry and Ronald would It is believed that Hagrid did it. But even if Hagrid opened the secret room, Harry and Ronald didn't believe that he would let the monster kill people on purpose. What happened to the secret room incident back then, Harry decided to ask Hailu.

But Ronald's words put Harry off the idea for a while: "Then what are you going to tell him? 'Hey, Hagrid, have you released any furry monsters in the castle lately?' Are you going to tell him that? It was a real pleasure to visit."

In the end Harry decided that unless there was another attack, he wouldn't ask Hagrid about the Chamber of Secrets.

For more than a month, there was no more attack in the castle. Many of the students thought that whoever the heir was, he was ready to call it quits, and Harry was delighted, it would be nice if it was so he wouldn't have to ask Hagrid those embarrassing questions.

It's March, the weather is getting warmer, and the mandrakes in the greenhouse are about to mature. Now many students know that these mandrakes can cure petrified students, as long as these ugly mandrakes mature, they will know who attacked those students. Hermione was noncommittal about this, and Solim had made it very clear to her last time: If the school really wanted to cure those students who were petrified, they would have cured them long ago, why would they wait until now. St. Mungo's must have potions made with mandrakes, and there must be mature mandrakes on the market, but the school did nothing. This made Hermione believe Solim's words even more.

……ask for flowers……

But Hermione quickly forgot about the Chamber of Secrets, because they had to choose classes now. A third-year elective, this matter had to be taken seriously by Hermione. Many second-year students began to ask their seniors and sisters about elective courses, and the little pure-blooded wizards wrote letters to their families for help.

And Hermione, he decided to ask Solim, and after getting along for a long time, Hermione thought that Solim would give her a perfect proposal. Neville also had the same plan as Hermione. Although Neville's presence in Gryffindor was still the same as if he didn't have it, Hermione knew that Neville was much better than those two ignorant guys. Not talkative, just not as jumpy as other Gryffindor students.

As Hermione expected, in the small classroom that night, Solim was playing the role of instructor, giving everyone appropriate advice.


"If you want to go further on the road of magic in the future, you must choose the ancient magic pattern." Solim said: "The magic pattern is the essence of the magic spell, and there are more than one kind of magic pattern. The school will only teach such Niven, this is a very basic magic pattern, and the rest of the complicated magic patterns will not be taught in schools."

If a Muggle-style explanation of the magweave is to be given, Solim thinks it is more appropriate to use a mathematical metaphor.

Just like the number 1, to get the answer of 1, you can use addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, four arithmetic operations, factorial, and of course calculus.

1 represents the effect the spell wants to achieve, and the process of deriving the answer to 1 is varied. If mathematics is the inherent foundation of Muggle technology, then magweave is the foundation of magic.

"There is no doubt," Solim continued: "Magic patterns are extremely boring subjects, but if you want to go further in magic, magic patterns are a hurdle that must be crossed

"As for other subjects, it's up to you, but I don't recommend you choose divination and Muggle studies."

After hearing Solim's words, Hermione had already put the ancient magweave on her list. But hearing Solim's last sentence, Hermione couldn't help asking: "Why?"

"Divination depends on blood, not acquired learning. If you don't have the blood of a fortune-teller, then you are wasting time." Solim did not intend to waste time with Trelawney, "As for Muggle studies, hehe, the students in the school Many of the professors themselves still don’t understand, and the Muggle studies class is not constructive, if you don’t believe me, just let the seniors borrow their textbooks to have a look, it’s too out of touch with the current Muggle society.”

"As for magical creatures, you can choose whatever you want."

"Then which ones are you going to choose?" Hermione asked curiously, and Draco and Neville also looked at Solim with interest.

"Only one—ancient magic patterns."

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