Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 113 Showdown And Invitation

Many incredible things happened in the school castle this semester, many attacks without casualties, attackers who have not been caught so far, and Dumbledore who was kicked out, but what makes the students feel even more incredible is that after experiencing all these , They even have to take the exam.

Understandable, isn't it?

There was a crazy attacker in the school, regardless of bloodlines and backgrounds, he would be attacked, and he has not been caught so far. The school is about to be closed, but the professors still have the time to organize the exam. Could it be that the professor Shouldn't we be actively investigating the whole thing and catching the attacker?

But no matter what, the exam still has to be taken. The vice-principal, Professor McGonagall, has notified the matter.

The vast majority of students complain about the school’s arrangements, such as Ronald, such as Sirna, but some students agree and support the school’s arrangements with both hands and feet, such as Hermione

In the courses in the school, part of the exam is a written test, and part of it is practical operation. Hermione thought that there should be no problem in the written part of the test, but the operation part still needs to be practiced. Harry and Ronald are two people Hermione can't count on. Hermione can only think of one person who can point out Hermione's shortcomings in specific spell casting and provide a standard spell casting template. So Hermione has been very diligent in going to the small classroom recently.

There is good news in the castle today: the mandrakes in the greenhouse are about to mature, which means that the petrified students will soon be able to recover. This is good news, the originally depressing atmosphere in the castle eased a lot.

In the small classroom after dinner, Solim was explaining the principles of Transfiguration to a few people. Of course, it was for Neville. Talent, these extremely basic things in Transfiguration must also be mastered.

If you want to use the Transfiguration technique well, magic power alone is useless. A wizard must have a deep understanding of the principles and a good brain to use the Transfiguration technique in a very short period of time. Solim combined Snape and Evans Take it out as an example. Wizards like them are rare among ordinary wizards. Most adult wizards' Transfiguration skills are only in the 5th or 6th grade. Such a trick as a dog or something.

After explaining the principle, Solim drove a few people aside for them to practice, and left Hermione alone. He had something to say to Hermione.

"Those two idiots haven't- found the secret room yet?"

"They didn't," Hermione said, shaking her head, "But I do have some ideas, the secret it near the women's bathroom on the second floor?"

Hermione could guess this, Solim was no surprise.

"It's not nearby, but it's in the women's washroom. That washstand is the entrance to the secret room, but ordinary people can't open it. If you want to punch in the entrance of the secret room, you need to have a special talent. I think you should know What."

The Chamber of Secrets is a Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk, special talents, Harry's Parseltongue... The answer is not difficult to deduce.

Hermione thought about it quickly.

"You mean...… Parseltongue?"

"Yes, a signature Slytherin talent." Solim nodded. "You're curious too, aren't you?"

Hermione froze for a moment at Solim's words, then nodded.

"It's okay. Curiosity is normal. It's not normal to have no interest in the Chamber of Secrets." Solim said.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Hermione didn't understand why Solim was saying this to himself at this time.

"Principal Dumbledore may have many purposes in this matter, but it is undeniable that one of them is to train Harry, and to tell Harry something through someone's mouth."

Hermione frowned, thinking about the implications of Solim's words.

"Have you seen that diary?"

Hermione raised her head and looked at Thom in surprise: "How do you know..."

Smiling, Solim said to Hermione: "You didn't tell me, and the relationship between those two boys and me is not so good, so you think I shouldn't know?

"Next, Hermione, I'm going to tell you something, you'd better make sure you don't cry out, or I'll give you a 'throat lock' first.

Seeing Hermione take a deep breath, Solim knew she was ready.

"Tom Riddle...change the order of the letters..." Solim took out his wand with his left hand and wrote the name in the air, then with a wave of the wand, the letters began to recombine.

Looking at the last letter that stopped, Hermione's eyes gradually widened.

"That's right, Tom Riddle is Voldemort, and the diary that Harry picked up is Voldemort's student diary."

Hermione covered her mouth tightly, she was afraid she would cry out.

"Riddle is a Muggle surname, that's right, but his full name should be Tom Marvolo Riddle, Marvolo Gaunt is his grandfather, and Gaunt is a descendant of Slytherin, they With Slytherin blood, few people know about it, now I think you should know who the so-called heir to the Chamber of Secrets is?"

Hermione tried her best to keep her voice down, she was so nervous now, no one would not be nervous after hearing this, which caused Hermione's voice to tremble a little: You mean... volt... that person Opened the Chamber of Secrets? Is that person in the school now?"

"Well... All I can say is that the diary was his, but it wasn't him who opened the Chamber of Secrets." Solim's wand was ready.

"How could it be? Who else would it be?"

"It was me, I opened the Chamber of Secrets, I released the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, I attacked the students in the castle." After Solim finished speaking, he swung a "Locklock" with his wand to Hermione.

Solim's approach was right, because now Hermione stood up and shouted something excitedly, but it was useless, under the effect of Solim's spell, Hermione could only keep opening her mouth, but couldn't make any sound .

"It's all right, it's enough to scare you." Solim pressed his hand and motioned for Hermione to sit down again.

The tongue lock only prevented Hermione from making a sound, but it did not hinder Hermione's hearing. Hermione calmed down and sat down again, waiting for Solim's explanation.

...asking for flowers...

"I said, just listen." Solim didn't break the spell on Hermione.

"The matter about the Chamber of Secrets is true. When Voldemort was in school, he once opened the Chamber of Secrets and caused the death of a student. As you know, the dead student was Myrtle."

With a wave of his hand, Solim motioned for Hermione to listen.

"Didn't you ever realize..." Solim squinted his eyes, looked at Hermione and said, "Hasn't Myrtle been gone since the beginning?"

Hermione opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

"Everyone who enters or exits the secret room must pass through Myrtle's territory, that is, the women's bathroom on the second floor. Maybe she saw me go down, maybe she didn't, but for safety, I have to attack her." Smiling, Solim said to Hermione: "When you were making the Polyjuice Potion there, you probably never thought that the petrified myrtle is in the innermost compartment. The truth is actually from the very beginning. It's very close to you."


Hermione started gnashing her teeth, and she understood that Solim was trying to prevent himself from being exposed from the very beginning, so he had already petrified the myrtle that might have exposed him, so that even if someone found out the student who was killed that year It was Myrtle, and it was impossible to ask anything from her mouth.

"So you see... from the beginning with Filch's cat, Colin Creevey, Justin Fletcher, to Percy and that Ravenclaw prefect, I did it all." After waving his hands, Solim said displeasedly: "Don't look at me like that, you have to understand, if I really want to take their lives, it's too easy, no more difficult than reading a book for you."

"As for why I'm telling you this, to be honest, I actually don't want to do it, but now it's the last step, and I need your help to lure Harry, a fool, into the secret room."

Seeing Hermione's eyes and expression of resistance, Solim said speechlessly: "We have been in contact for quite a while, Hermione, do you think I am such a person? Do you think that planning an attack that will not be discovered is a Is it easy? Do you think it's an easy job to sift through those targets? Do you think I'm a time waster? And what do I get out of wasting time? Hitting people The thrill of it? Or the joy of creating chaos?"

Is planning an attack easy? For Solim, yes, because he just has to follow the strategy. Is it easy to screen targets for raids? For Solim, yes, because he still just has to follow the strategy. So what Solim said was almost to fool Hermione, but Hermione believed it, Solim really didn't like wasting time, Hermione was sure of this, and what was Solim wasting so much time planning these things for? Solim's These words made Hermione gradually calm down.

"The next move, I need your help. Then I will tell you everything." With a wave of his wand, Solim lifted the spell on Hermione, "So, give me an answer now."

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