Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 118: A Successful End

What is the essence of a horcrux? It is the soul stored in it. If there is no soul, the so-called horcrux is just an item. Solim is well aware of the function of Horcruxes, but he is not clear about the deeper details of Horcruxes, such as the deep relationship between Horcruxes and wizards.

A person's strength comes from the muscles, that is, the flesh. Through physical exercise, the muscles can be strengthened, thereby increasing strength. The magical power of a wizard comes from the soul, but the difference between the soul and the body is that it cannot be exercised. The soul will only grow slowly over time, and after people age, the soul will also gradually age, but the aging of the soul is much slower than the aging of the body. A powerful soul is extremely important to a wizard. A powerful soul means having more magic power than others, which means resistance to soul magic and the strength of casting soul magic. A stronger soul also means The soul is less prone to aging.

A strong soul is so important to a wizard, naturally there will be wizards to study this aspect. It is a pity that although many powerful soul curses or spells targeting the soul have been invented since ancient times, wizards have no idea how to continue to strengthen their own soul when the soul becomes stable after adulthood . Thanks to a lot of research on the soul, wizards still know something about the nature of the soul.

First of all, the first point is that the soul is non-renewable. It is the same as the body. It is no big deal to cut the skin. It can heal itself completely, but if the arm is cut off, it will not grow back, but it can be reattached. Going back, the premise is that the arm is still intact. The same is true for the soul. Slight damage is irrelevant, but serious soul damage is irreversible. The cut soul can indeed be reintegrated into the original soul, but the reintegrated soul must also be intact~.

That's why Riddle's horcruxes are so appealing: the souls in his horcruxes are all intact.

Most of the wizards who chose to make horcruxes in history were cursed by the soul. In order to survive, the gecko cut off its tail and split the soul polluted by the curse. But Riddle is different. He didn't receive any soul-specific curse when he made the Horcrux, that is to say: the soul he split is good.

This kind of intact soul without any consciousness is simply a dream of healing medicine for those wizards whose souls have been severely traumatized. Even if the soul is not traumatized, the wizard can use Riddle's Horcrux to strengthen his soul.

The diary is the most special one among Voldemort's horcruxes. This horcrux has its own subjective consciousness. Voldemort not only sealed part of his soul, but also stripped part of his memory along the way. And other Horcruxes are just sealed souls, without this kind of subjective consciousness. Those ordinary Horcruxes were just tools used by Voldemort to prevent death, without any other properties.

A Horcrux that can allow wizards to recover from damage to their souls and strengthen their soul power—and there is more than one, which will make many wizards flock to it.

"According to what you said," Solim scratched his chin, he really didn't know these things, but he thought Riddle didn't lie to him, "Many people will want to get your Horcrux, if they want to do it, they should have Let's do it. To tell you something you don't like to hear, you were indeed powerful at your peak, but you also know that although there are few wizards in Europe who are stronger than you, it is not impossible. Even I know a few, and you must know better than me .

"They couldn't find it." Riddle said conceitedly, "Although I was the first to be made, I know very well that the other I will definitely hide the other Horcrux well. Threats and temptations are not good for me. It doesn't matter, I am immortal, even if those wizards really kill me, I will return, and I will take revenge at that time, which is what they don't want to see."

Solim nodded, accepting Riddle's statement. It is true that there are wizards stronger than Voldemort, but what effect can those wizards have on Voldemort? Threatening him? Voldemort will not accept this at all, with the Horcrux in hand, even if Voldemort is killed, he can start all over again, and The family who attacked him will suffer Voldemort's revenge in the future, which is why the elders will ignore Voldemort: even if Voldemort can be killed, who will let it go? And everyone knows that before destroying all the Horcruxes, Voldemort is If he can't be killed, then even if he kills Voldemort once, he won't take revenge when he comes back? A wizard who is qualified to confront Voldemort head-on can be a great wizard without even thinking about it. Which of these great wizards is not the person in power in the family? Who would want to To take this risk? As for Voldemort, an uncontrollable great wizard who likes to make troubles, it is not that no one has proposed to kill him, but the risk is something that no family is willing to take. There was a tacit understanding that Voldemort would do whatever he wanted, and he would only do it within the UK anyway, as long as it didn't affect his core interests, the Council of Elders would let him go.

"Then what do you want from me?" Solim asked again. The Horcrux is Voldemort's life, and it is also Riddle's life, what does he want in exchange for this kind of thing?

"You and I are not ordinary wizards," Riddle said, "We all know that this world is not as simple as it seems, and there are many things in this world that ordinary wizards can't touch and understand in their lifetime. On. The Selwyn family is a very old family. It has been passed down. There must be many taboo and supernatural things. I hope you can share with me. In return, I can help you transfer the wealth of the Rich family. Sight. Even got the Rich family into trouble."

"I'm an illegitimate child." Solim frowned. He felt that Riddle's purpose was definitely not the case, and his desire for forbidden knowledge was in line with his character, but Solim would not be so stupid as to believe his words.

"I have no status in the Selwyn family, I even sneak into the family library." Solim shook his head, "I can't help you with this.

Solim's return obviously did not surprise Riddle, "It's okay, I believe there will be opportunities in the future.

……ask for flowers……

After speaking, Riddle's figure gradually disappeared into the air.

Solim picked up the diary, frowning. He had just realized that Riddle might be gathering strength. His activities require power support, whether it is the blood of the wizard, or the life force in the original book, or the magic power provided by Dumbledore, these are the powers that Riddle relies on to act, and Solim does not think that he will use this power every time. run out. Because Solim would do the same thing if he were in Riddle's situation. Accumulating strength can play a key role when needed. But for now, Solim won't have any interaction with Riddle in a short time, and he will hand over the diary to Dumbledore soon. With Dumbledore's temperament, Riddle would probably stay in the headmaster's office forever.

After putting away the diary, Solim took out the Marauder's Map. The headmaster's office must be very lively now. Solim has never seen so many names in the headmaster's office: the headmaster Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Fudge, the Minister of Magic, Lucius Malfoy, and the three who just came out of the Chamber of Secrets. So many names are piled up together in the principal's office, and some names even overlap.

Solim started to walk to the eighth floor, the principal's office was on that floor. During the time from the second floor to the eighth floor, Solim believed that Dumbledore could send away a large group of people. Handing this over to Dumbledore, this year's events are considered to have come to a successful conclusion.

Compared to Solim's relaxed and relaxed atmosphere, the headmaster's office is full of noise. Harry and Ronald were severely reprimanded by Professor McGonagall and crazily ridiculed by Professor Snape, then Fudge smoothed things over while Lucius watched coldly, wondering what was going on in his mind, Hermione had just been taken away by Madam Pomfrey After checking his body, Dumbledore sat on the high-backed chair and watched the farce in front of him.

Solim leaned against the corner not far from the principal's office, looking at the names on the Marauder's Map, waiting for them to leave one by one. Because of Solim's relationship, Dobby doesn't have many scenes, and they don't know that the diary actually came out of Malfoy's house, so Dobby is still the elf of Malfoy's family. After finally waiting for everyone to leave, Solim can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

When Solim threw the real diary on Dumbledore's desk and was about to turn and leave, Dumbledore stopped him.

"The chamber of secrets is over, you did a good job." Dumbledore folded his hands on the table, "Is there anything you want to say to me?"

"No, if you really want to say it..." Solim scratched his chin, "Leave the school and you alone about the Basque thing, I'll take care of it when the time comes.

"Are you going to take it out of Hogwarts?"

"Of course, he was wasted in school, and he suffered." Solim turned around, "I'll leave first if there's nothing else to do, the exam is coming soon, and I have to go back to study."

Solim wanted to leave, but Dumbledore didn't let him go. .

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