Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 134 Helpless Choice

Solim is very calm now, very calm, he is the kind of person who becomes calmer when he is in crisis. He knew he was in trouble now.

The man in front of him, an innocent Muggle, was about to be taken by himself, an underage wizard, and Solim, who had read many books, knew what was going on.

In ancient times, when the wizarding society and the Muggle society were not yet separated, almost all wizarding families had such a so-called "test": killing a Muggle to declare that they would not be with dirty Muggles. Melons go along with others and will not tarnish the honor of the family.

The reason why such an extremely anti-human thing happened in Solim's view was mainly because of an incident at the beginning. At that time, the Peverell family had not yet disintegrated. Although the three main Peverell families, Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus, were declining, they still enjoyed relatively strong influence in the wizarding world. . As a result, a witch from the Ignotus family eloped with a Muggle. Originally, the influence of the Peverell family was declining at that time. What would the entire pure-blood circle think of them after this happened? Now Peverell can’t even control his own people? Can other families Trying to steal something from Peverell?

In order to maintain the honor of the family, or to deter them, this witch and that Muggle, including the town where the Muggle family was located, were all wiped out by the angry Peverell. In order to let future generations remember the lesson of 25, and also to warn those clansmen who like to be close to Muggles, Peverell came up with such an idea: every clansman should kill a Muggle before they reach adulthood, in order to Declare to others: I will never join forces with Muggles.

The funny thing is that the Peverell family finally fell apart, and only one of the three main families, Ignotus, was still alive. Ignotus later changed his name to Potter, but they abandoned this "custom", and others Family: A sufficiently old family like Selwyn still retains this habit. Although it is not often practiced, sometimes when the clansmen show a certain tendency to be close to Muggles, this method is still used within the family To warn the parties to keep their distance from Muggles.

"What?" Karl asked in a dangerous tone when he saw that Solim hadn't moved for a long time, "Could it be that you can't make a move?"

Trampling and discriminating against Muggles can be regarded as "politically correct" in the circle of pure-blood wizards. Solim doesn't dislike killing, but he doesn't want to kill for no reason. Logically speaking, this Muggle is not related to Solim, so killing him will satisfy the big bosses above, so it's okay to kill him, but Solim can't pass his own test. Facing the enemy, facing the wizard who wants to kill himself, Solim can kill the killer, but he can't kill an innocent person.

This is not hypocrisy or a Madonna attack. Solim doesn't want to go the way of the Dark Wizard, if he can. Being a black wizard means being entangled with all kinds of negative emotions for a lifetime, such as hatred, anger, jealousy, etc. Solim doesn't want to do terrible things under the influence of these negative emotions in the future.

But under the current situation, Solim must take action. Even though he has his own persistence in his heart and his own bottom line, but in front of Elrond's chance to become a great wizard, in front of Phoenix, and even more powerful, in his own life What's the fuss about killing an innocent man?

"I'm not against killing." Solim said, "but this kind of killing..." Solim pointed to the man lying on the ground, seems meaningless to me. "


"Let him go on," Cadmus said, but Cal, who was about to reprimand Solim, shut up.

"It's funny, if the two people in the shop on Knockturn Lane didn't have my idea at that time, I wouldn't have killed them. If it wasn't for the gang of people headed by that idiot in Schuyler who came to trouble me unscrupulously , I will not kill him through a duel. When dealing with the enemy, I do not reject killing. But I will not kill unnecessarily."

"Since you said that..." Cadmus chuckled, "Then I'll give you another one: the three sons of Keldor..." Speaking of which, Cadmus The person next to Si seems to have said something to him, "...well, two of his three sons often bully your sister, I think this is considered hatred? Then change For a moment, you can just kill one of those two boys at random."

"How? If you agree, I'll bring those two boys over now." Carl said beside him.

Kill Adelaide and Wright? Solim is really tired of those two idiots, but he doesn't want to kill them, and if he kills them, what will Keldor think of Solim? Keldor's father, Elrond The second brother: What will Brede think of Solim? Although he didn’t deal with them, it was just not dealing with them. If he really killed Keldor’s son, then the feud would be serious, although it can be said It was arranged by the elders of these families, but Keldor obviously would not hold grudges against these elders, he would only place the blame on Solim. But if Solim spared his son's life, it must be able to ease the relationship between them to some extent.

Thinking of this, Solim has a choice.

"I will kill this man." Solim pointed to the Muggles on the ground and said sorry in his heart. Indeed, the current situation could not allow Solim to refuse. He didn't want to waste the patience of those above. Light, then unlucky himself.

"But I want Adelaide and Wright to come and take a look." Solim said facing the high platform.

Hearing Solim's words, Cadmus couldn't help laughing. Although the laughter was harsh and unpleasant, everyone present could feel the joy of the old ancestor.

Let the two people who have a grudge against me come and have a look. Obviously, I, Solim, could choose to kill one of you, but I let you go magnanimously. You should be grateful for this. In this way, the people on Keldor’s side will feel embarrassed to trouble Solim in the future. After all, they have let your son go, so it’s unreasonable for you to trouble him again in the future.

Before the wand is drawn out, the reasoning is still necessary, and when the wand is drawn out, there is no need to be reasonable. But the sons of Solim and Keldor haven't come to the point of fighting to the death, and this kind of handling is really good.

"Heath, this great-grandson of yours is really good. Not to mention his talent, the most important thing is that his mind is much stronger than many of his clansmen." Having laughed enough, Cadmus and someone above said.

"Great-grandfather, you're flattering, this is Selwyn's luck." The voice Solim remembered, it turned out that he was grandpa's father.

After a while, the two Adelaide brothers were taken to the meeting hall tremblingly. Although they were dudes, they were not stupid. They knew that they were at odds with the illegitimate son Solim. Who knew if he had made a small report with those old ancestors? , Prepare to wear small shoes for themselves, how could they know that if Solim hadn't let them go, only one of the two of them would be able to walk out of the gate of this conference hall today.

Glancing at the two brothers who just realized what happened, Solim took out the dragon staff he bought from Ollivander with his left hand and walked in front of the man:

"The spell stops immediately." After removing the tongue lock on the man, Solim looked at him and asked, "I will kill you, but if you have any wish, you can tell me, and I will help you realize it according to the situation. "

Solim could tell that the man in front of him had been subjected to inhuman tortures, mainly the Cruciatus Curse, and it was a very measured Cruciatus Curse. The Cruciatus Curse of ordinary dark wizards could not be used to this level. Among the so-called three unforgivable curses, the one Solim is most familiar with is the Cruciatus Curse, followed by the Imperius Curse. He didn't even bother to remember how many times he had suffered these two Unforgivable Curses, and he could be regarded as a half-expert in this regard.

The man's eyes are not as empty and lifeless as other people who have been tortured by the Cruciatus Curse for a long time. Although his eyes were lifeless and his expression was dull, but fortunately he was still able to respond to the outside world, which only showed that the wizard who used the Cruciatus Curse on him deliberately controlled the degree of torture.

"" The man trembled his lips, due to the long-term torture and lack of water, his voice was pitifully small, and Solim still heard from him The shape of his mouth can tell what he wants to express.

"I can't save you. You will die today, and I repeat, if you have a wish you better say it now." Solim raised his wand.

"I... curse... you monsters..."

The man wanted to say something else, but Solim didn't give him a chance. He simply swiped his wand and cut off the man's head with a cutting curse.

Looking at the dark red blood gradually spreading on the ground, Solim turned his head to Adelaide and Wright, the two brothers who had already been frightened, and said:

"You two owe me your life, remember!".

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