Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 136: The Phoenix And The Fat Woman

Elrond and Solim said they would go to Orvis Manor on the second day, but they dragged on until the fourth day. Mainly because of the matter of the phoenix eggs, Solim has received the hatching materials in the box, but the hatching method must be memorized by Solim himself, because the written records on how to hatch the phoenix eggs cannot be taken out of the castle. After that, he even took energy potions and brain potions, starting from the noon of the second day and continuing until the afternoon of the third day, before he had memorized the hatching steps and precautions completely. In fact, Solim doesn't have to fight like this, he can completely hatch inside the castle, but Solim doesn't plan to come back after leaving Selwyn Castle this time, at least not during this holiday.

Taking advantage of the effect of the energy potion, Solim and Elrond came to Orvis Manor again on the fourth day. Before the energy potion expires, Solim is not going to do anything—except for the preparations before hatching, but this is mainly done by Elrond and Gilvez, so Solim will also help. After learning that Solim got a phoenix egg and was going to hatch it at their house, the old guy put down all his work and sent at least fifty letters in ten minutes, including to the Pharmacists' Association, Including relatives who may come back in the near future, including some distributors of herbal medicine supply... In short, it is to put an end to all people and things that may disturb him in the near future.

Compared to witnessing the rebirth of a phoenix, those shitty things are nothing. Elrond didn't know, but he, the master of potions, knew very well that the eggshells left by the rebirth of the phoenix were precious materials, and he was going to collect some of them, and Gilvez didn't have the time to take care of them now. external affairs.

Wrap the phoenix egg with phoenix wood soaked in precious potion, and then put it into a flame summoned by a special spell. When the phoenix wood wrapped outside the phoenix egg starts to burn and finally turns into ashes, the ashes To collect them all, mix the potion and pour it over the eggs. There can be no mistakes in these steps, Solim can only watch the two old men bustle excitedly, Solim can only do things like delivering things, Sirna is more pitiful, she ran to watch the excitement, but was killed Elrond hurried into the corner.

Although this so-called hatching step looks a bit like cooking, since the two old guys are so interested, Solim didn't go up to disturb them. The hatching of the phoenix can't be done overnight. According to the method provided by the family, it will take at least ten to fifteen days. Solim also wondered at the beginning, since phoenix eggs are so difficult to hatch, how did wild phoenixes hatch, but now Solim already knows: there are no wild phoenixes at all, as long as they are phoenixes, they have owners.

If Dumbledore is dead now, Fawkes will leave after singing the elegy of the Phoenix, and then as time goes by, Fawkes will be nirvana, but because there is no master, every time Fawkes nirvana will make it lose a lot of magic power, when When its magic power cannot support its next Nirvana, Fox will turn into an egg, waiting to be discovered by another wizard, hatched, and then resume activities.

After learning some secrets about phoenixes, Solim found that magical creatures like phoenixes are like parasites... Uh, maybe it's more appropriate to say that they have a symbiotic relationship?

The wizard provides the magic power consumed by the phoenix's nirvana. The phoenix brings the wizard its tears, feathers, blood, ashes after nirvana, and the extremely convenient "phoenix-style" transfer or appearance, and it can also help the wizard at critical moments To resist a fatal injury, all the wizard has to do is to provide enough magic power to the phoenix when it dies. From this point of view, the price/performance ratio of owning a phoenix pet is ridiculously high.

But phoenixes are intelligent magical creatures. If you want to get a phoenix, if it is a phoenix that just lost its owner, you have to be able to make it recognize you, otherwise it will be useless even if you catch it. Either get a phoenix egg, but if you want to hatch it, this is no easier than letting a phoenix that has lost its owner recognize its owner. Special materials, spells that specifically summon a certain kind of flame, targeted potions, where do wizards usually get these things? A wizard who is capable of hatching phoenix eggs must be supported by a family or organization with great power, otherwise Phoenix eggs cannot be hatched by individuals alone.

Solim is very lucky, he has such a family behind him, and is willing to help him hatch, although it may not have any good intentions.

Which wizard would not want a magical pet like the phoenix with such high cost performance? Naturally, they all want it, so why do those bigwigs in the family keep it for themselves? Let’s not think about the economic value of the phoenix. In a battle with a phoenix, that means an extra life. The more powerful the spell, the more time it will take, but in a close battle, which wizard would give the opponent this chance to amplify his moves? But with a phoenix, it is completely different Now, you can calmly read the article and prepare for the big move. The normal spell released by the opponent will be blocked by the protective spell, and the powerful spell Phoenix will help you block it. This will buy you a lot of time, enough for you to use the big move to put the opponent down flipped. Even if the opponent is stronger than you, and even blocks your way to escape through apparation with magic, but with the phoenix, this is not a problem. The phoenix can easily break through the blockade and take the master away from the dangerous battlefield. Even if your enemy does not fight you head-on, but chooses the insidious method of poisoning, as long as you have a phoenix, even if you are tricked, the tears of the phoenix can save your life.

Such a useful, perfect pet which heartless wizard (cfcb) would give it away when he could get it?

Those bigwigs in Selwyn gave up. They not only gave up the phoenix eggs to Solim, but also kindly handed over the materials and methods for hatching to Solim. How can you make Solim not think too much? How can you not be suspicious?

Well, maybe Cadmus' words are indeed useful, and maybe Cadmus' prestige within the family is indeed unparalleled. But wouldn't those great wizards within the family have a Phoenix that would be more useful than Solim? Cadmus couldn't think of it?

Solim couldn't believe that the wizards in the family were so powerful that they didn't need a phoenix. Maybe Cadmus has that power, but what about the others?

Solim is really thinking hard about the problems that owning a phoenix might bring. But the phoenix is ​​already in your hands, and you tell Solim to give up.......No one would let go of the kiln, okay?

Let's take a step and see what they are thinking, and they will naturally know when the time comes. Solim was thinking about something while looking at the two old men with black and gray faces.

The effect of the energy potion gradually faded, and Solim finally felt mentally and physically exhausted. He stood up, ready to find a bed to catch up on sleep - under the influence of the energy potion, he hadn't closed his eyes for two whole nights.

Sensing the tiredness on Solim's face, Elrond said: "Go to sleep when you're sleepy, don't worry about this, we two old guys will watch."

Solim nodded, and started to walk out unsteadily. That's why Solim is more resistant to potions like energy potions - side effects. It actually overdraws your energy. When the effect of the medicine wears off, you will feel extremely tired, whether it is mental or physical.

The effect of the medicine has completely faded, Solim's whole brain is now wooden, like a ball of paste, this feeling is no stranger to Solim, he has taken energy potions before, he knows that what he should do now is to find A soft bed, and then fell asleep. Then after a day or two, I will wake up. At this time, it is best to have a glass of warm water and simple food at the head of the bed. But now Solim doesn't have the heart to go to the house-elf, and it's already very difficult for him to stay awake.

Just when Solim was comfortably lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, Harry, who was far away on Privet Drive, felt disgusted and didn't want to have lunch, although it was not time for lunch yet.

Maggie Dursley --- Vernon Dursley's older sister. This fat woman didn't bring any good memories to Harry. When he was a child, Harry was kicked up a tree by her sheepdog named Lippi, that's all. The most unbearable thing for Harry was that this vicious woman would keep insulting his parents whenever she saw Harry, and insulting his parents around the corner. Maybe she forgot that Harry's mother was also the sister of the mistress of the house. Although the Dursleys turned a deaf ear to this, Harry knew why. The Dursleys were taboo to talk about certain things, and as long as the topic had a slight trend, they would try their best to change the subject. Talking about anything related to magic and witchcraft is forbidden in the Dursley family, as if they think that doing so can make those things not exist.

Aunt Marge, Harry knew, had forced Harry to call her that. This time he will definitely insult his parents again, Harry is already mentally prepared, anyway, this kind of thing has happened many times in the past, sometimes Harry feels that he is getting used to it.

Usually, this vicious woman Maggie would only stay here for a day or two before leaving, but this time it was different, she would stay here for a week, Harry didn't know if he could bear this fat woman for a week time.

Obviously, he couldn't. .

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