Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 141 Uninvited Guest

"So because of the overdraft of magic power, even if you have recovered a little now, you still choose to take the train just to be on the safe side?" Draco looked around the box with his eyes fixed as he spoke. Sirna's snake is now hanging on the On the shelf, Solim's cat is now being held by Sirna, and a small bird is flapping its wings and walking around on the chair.

"That's right, you're going to trouble Weasley again?" Draco swaggered in the aisle with his two followers just now, if it wasn't too conspicuous, Solim really didn't notice.

"They're right next door to you. Granger from Gryffindor and those two idiots. I just saw it, and there's an adult in their compartment, the first time I've ever seen an adult wizard on a train, I mean— — except for the candy sellers."

Solim really didn't know that Harry and the others were next door, and from Draco's description, that adult should be Lupine. Dumbledore is also evil, although Solim doesn't know when Dumbledore found the mouse, but it is obvious that he is now planning to get all three people from back then to Hogwarts, and he is now slowly letting Harry Getting in touch with some people back then, Harry's father had three good friends, or two to be precise: Sirius and Remus John, Peter was just a sidekick after all. This time, Dumbledore is probably planning to let Harry slowly understand some things from that year through this incident.

Solim actually didn't intend to get involved in this year's affairs, after all, it was considered Harry's private matter, although he didn't intend to get involved, but Solim didn't rule out going to see the excitement in his spare time.

Solim has his own plan for this semester, the first is to learn the Animagus first, but this can only start after he fully recovers, according to the information given by the family, the phoenix will mature in three to four months , 920 means that in the next semester, Solim's Ashes will be an adult phoenix like Dumbledore's Fox. From then on, Solim can use the phoenix to travel around. This is what Solim values ​​most. With the ability of the phoenix [Solim's life safety will be greatly guaranteed.

It started raining outside the train—pours of rain. But this is very common for Brits, and the students don't care if they keep the windows closed. But Solim secretly cheered up, he knew something annoying was coming.

"You all go inside and sit by the window." Solim stood up and motioned for Draco to sit by the window, while Solim himself sat by the door, "Sirna, take care of the little ones, Don't let them run around, if it doesn't work, put them in the box first.

"What happened?" Draco didn't know why, but he sat inside obediently.


"Boom!" The carriage shook violently, Solim knew that the train was slowing down, and seeing the carriage shaking so violently, the driver probably braked suddenly.

...Not later, there will be some very nasty stuff coming up soon, so prepare yourself mentally. Solim stood up, his wand already in his left hand.

In fact, neither of Solim's wands is suitable for casting such magic as the Patronus Charm. However, in comparison, the dragon wands made by Ollivander have better effects. Although most of the dragon wands are more or less biased towards black magic, they are still relatively neutral wands in general. But (cfce) is that the bone spur on Solim's right hand is extremely biased toward unleashing black magic, using it to cast the Patronus Charm is asking for trouble.

"I'll go to the next door to say hello to them, you just stay here and don't go anywhere."

Solim stood in the corridor, and he found at least one head sticking out of each box to observe the situation. The whole corridor was filled with the chatter of students. Not to mention their third graders, even the senior students have never encountered this kind of midway stop.

Solim opened the door of the adjacent box.

"Are we here yet?"

"Obviously not! Won't you look out with your eyes?" Hermione said irritably.

"How do I see?" Ronald retorted, "Look at the window!"

The windows are frosting at an alarming rate, preventing those inside from seeing the outside.

"Boom!" The carriage shook violently again.

"What the hell!" Ronald's voice trembled.

Shaking his head, the tip of Solim's wand glowed brightly, but it was strange that although the Luminescent Charm worked, the light seemed to be swallowed by something, and even Lupine who was sitting in the innermost place couldn't shine.

"Solim!" Hermione saw the man's face clearly.

"Be careful, there are some nasty things in the car."

"What?" Ronald was honest at this time.

But Solim ignored him.

"Professor Lupine, don't pretend to be asleep, these little guys can't deal with that kind of thing, you..."

Before Solim finished speaking, he suddenly had a strange feeling: the world suddenly became quiet, and his voice became very distant. Just as Solim realized what happened, goosebumps all over his body rose, and he could feel I felt my body trembling slightly—these reactions of my body were completely out of Solim's control.

The light at the top of the wand was compressed to the limit until it finally went out, but there was no difference between light and no light. Even standing at the door of the box, Solim could only vaguely see the silhouette of Harry who was closest to him.

Quickly glanced at the corridor, but Solim couldn't see anything, Solim's original box was just a few feet away, but now it was thick and inextricable darkness

Solim can't see anything.

"Solim!" Hermione was calling Solim's name. But she found that her voice became very strange, and she couldn't even hear what she just shouted.

But Solim still heard it, he knew that he had better enter the box now, the corridor is too unsafe, no one knows how many dementors are in the corridor, it is definitely not a good experience to get close to the dementors— — even if they honestly don't suck anything from you.

Dodging into the box, Solim felt a little better, and his sight was much clearer than before. Lupine was still pretending to be asleep.

"Solim, what the hell happened?" Hermione was nervous.

"You all lean in, near the door."

As soon as Solim finished speaking, the feeling of isolation from the world just now returned. A strange shadow appeared at the door of the box. Through the glass, it could be seen that it was a tattered black robe, fluttering in the air chaotically. A skinny hand covered with black scabs stretched out from under the robe, and with a light flick, the door of the box opened with a "click".

The hand covered with black scabs held on to the door and squeezed in. As soon as the dementor came in, he couldn't wait to take a deep breath. Solim knew what it was going to do when he saw the dementor move.

"Isn't this too impatient?" Solim didn't want to know what it would be like to be sucked by a dementor, so he simply raised his wand:

"Call God to protect you!"

Obviously, casting the Patronus Charm calmly in a safe environment and casting the Patronus Charm in the face of a "feeding" dementor are two completely different concepts. Even though Solim released the Patronus Charm very simply every time after learning the Patronus Charm, but this time he almost "turned over" when facing the dementor. Only a few wisps of silver-white mist emerged from the tip of Solim's staff, but this Cut off the motion where the dementor is getting ready to eat.

Seeing that the spell was unsuccessful, Solim gathered his mind and released the Patronus Charm again.

"Call God to protect you!"

A thick snake ejected from the tip of Solim's staff. After releasing the Patronus, Solim staggered. Fortunately, the table behind Solim resisted. He tried his best, and now he is about to stand Unsteady. After the magic power was overdrawn, Solim's magic power had not yet recovered. At this time, he released a magic spell with all his strength, which almost exhausted Solim's magic power.

But the effect is also obvious, the dementor just took a backward posture and was entangled by Solim's Patronus. The small snake kills its prey by injecting venom, and the big snake kills its prey by strangling. Now the dementor is entangled by Solim's patron saint, and the dementor's mouth hidden in the dark makes a harsh cry, Its body is constantly emitting black smoke, obviously the Patronus wrapped around its body has brought great damage to it, but the price is that Solim's Patronus is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Once Solim's patron saint disappears, it means that the patron saint will collapse, which will be a heavy blow to Solim who has not yet recovered from the magic power overdraft.

The roar of this dementor attracted others of its kind nearby, and when two dementors appeared outside the box, Solim knew that his Patronus could not deal with them. A dementor squeezed in and started to suck quickly. At this time, Solim really understood how the prisoners of Azkaban lived every day.

Just when Harry's scream came from Solim's ear, and when his consciousness became more and more blurred, a brilliant white light filled the box, and when the dementors fled in all directions under this dazzling white light, Solim finally Unable to hold on, he sat down on Hermione's lap. .

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