Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 146 Draco On The Hospital Bed

Word had spread that Draco had been attacked by crazed animals in his Fantastic Creatures class, and the castle was full of embellished rumors, some saying that Draco was badly injured, others that he had a broken arm, and even Some say Draco died on the way to the school hospital.

The students of Gryffindor gloated and were happy when Slytherin had bad luck, but there were still some smart people in Gryffindor who worried about Hagrid. Regardless of their relationship with Draco, the students of Slytherin pointed their finger at Hagrid and even Dumbledore in a very tacit understanding at this time, so the students of the two colleges had a lot of chatter in the corridor.

Draco's most worried about being injured is undoubtedly his family, and the happiest... Well, anyone with eyes can tell, right?

"Can't you hold back a little bit! Do you idiot know how this will affect Hagrid?" Hermione really couldn't stand it any longer. The grin never closed. Even a blind man can see his joy from the heart~.

"What's wrong with me?" Ronald didn't care, he was beautiful now, what could be more satisfying than seeing Draco unlucky?

"It was that idiot who went up to provoke Buckbeak himself. What does this have to do with Hagrid? And Hagrid said beforehand that he can't provoke them. Don't you blame Hagrid for that idiot who wanted to kill himself?"

"Ronald, Hermione is right." Harry continued from the sidelines, "Draco's family will definitely not let it go, they will blame Hagrid for all their mistakes."

"His father is very well connected in the Ministry of Magic. If the Ministry of Magic intervenes in this teaching accident, do you know what will happen? Hagrid is very likely to lose his professorship! There are many things involved here. I have to look up books to tell you in detail Explain, but there is no doubt that Hagrid is going to be in big trouble!"

Ronald finally understood, "But...that's Malfoy's fault"

"Don't you understand? Ronald?" Hermione became irritable, "It's no longer a question of who is right and who is wrong. Someone must be held accountable when something like this happens, not to mention the style of the Malfoy family." I suppose you know better than I do?"

"And Malfoy has always disliked Hagrid, you all know that, do you think Malfoy will let this opportunity pass this time?"

"Then what can we do?" Ronald frowned at Harry and Hermione.

"Helping Hagrid, of course!" Harry said loudly, "He managed to get out of a lot of trouble, and Malfoy can't let Malfoy get his way this time."

Harry and Ronald looked at Hermione, they knew that Hermione would always find a way, and her brain was much easier to use than the two of them.

"Let's check if there are similar cases first, and see how those similar cases are handled in the end. This may help us."

Fortunately, the Hogwarts library is big enough, and there are enough things in it. Even newspapers from decades ago can be dug out from it. The premise is that you have to spend time. Hermione doesn't know how much time is left for herself. How many, so she decided to act immediately.

"It's all Malfoy's fault!" Ronald said angrily from the side, "If he hadn't been looking for trouble for nothing, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. I want to rush into the school hospital to praise him right now!"

"Ronald, the priority now is to help Hagrid out of trouble, not to teach Malfoy a lesson." Harry persuaded his good buddy.

"The school hospital...maybe you can try it..." Hermione seemed to think of something.

Hearing Hermione's words, Harry and Ronald turned to look at her in disbelief.

"Excuse me?" Ronald said, "Maybe I didn't catch you."

"You can contact Malfoy first to see what he is going to do, in case he doesn't want to trouble Hagrid?"

"Hermione! We're talking about Malfoy!" Ronald's voice turned up sharply, "Do you think he'll pass up this opportunity?"

"But we can go and see first."

Draco was still awake, but he looked a little sluggish now. This is what happens when a person who sleeps very dead is woken up halfway. Besides, the effect of the palliative is still acting on his body.

Solim and Madam Pomfrey had a short but pleasant conversation, besides, Draco was not seriously injured. Madam Pomfrey finally agreed to wake Draco up at Solim's request, but in the end he still couldn't The professionalism requirement for a physician shall not exceed 10 minutes.

"Why are you here?" Draco was still a little dazed.

"Why did I come?" Solim sneered, "Then you think I shouldn't come? Or do you want me to appear at your funeral?"


"Do you know that if the animal was closer to you, or if its claws were raised a little higher, and instead of grabbing your arm, it grabbed your head, you guess you would be a What kind of virtue?" Solim folded his arms and stared at the pale Draco, the boy's face was not much bloody, but this time he bled a lot, making his face even paler.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Solim asked. "You almost died, you know that?"

Hearing Solim's words, Draco's face twitched, and he didn't know whether it was from the pain in his arm or from fear.

"You don't like Hagrid, no problem, you can look at anyone, it's your freedom, and I'm not going to take care of it. You want to embarrass him or pull him from his position as a professor at Hogwarts , that's okay, it's your personal business. But can you think about the method a little, a little bit?" Solim felt that his tone had been controlled very hard, but he still couldn't suppress his anger at the end .

…… Ask for flowers………

"There are many ways to get Hagrid out of his professorship, but you fought in person, and almost died! Your father is the school trustee, and there are many people in Slytherin who have objections to Hagrid! You can unite Putting pressure on Fudge, do you find it difficult to handle?"

"I... actually..." Draco stammered.

"Actually what? Is it unbalanced to see Potter in the limelight? Then provoke a hippogriff without even thinking about it? Or do you think a hippogriff would do anything to the Malfoys?" preferential treatment?"



"You almost died..."

.” Draco looked down at Solim.

"I promised your father would take care of you at school, and you ended up with something like this, which was completely avoidable." Solim saw Draco's guilty look, but Solim didn't intend to let it go over him.

"If your brain is not injured, you should remember that I reminded you, but obviously you didn't listen. You are at least half of the responsibility for this result."

Draco looked up in surprise, he didn't understand Solim's words. This time, Draco himself admitted that if he didn't provoke the Hippogriff, this result could have been completely avoided.

"What half of the responsibility, obviously he was the first..."


A typical case of pig teammates, just eavesdrop outside the door, and even make a sound, as if afraid that the people inside will not know.

Solim frowned and looked towards the entrance of the school hospital, "Okay, since you're here, let's all come in."

Hermione opened the door, taking a wary look at Solim's expression.

"Uh...Actually, we just arrived, and we're going to come over to see Ma...Draco's."

"Okay, don't say such things that you don't even believe yourself." Solim waved his hand and motioned for a few people to come over, "I remember I told you in the women's bathroom in the first grade, a high-quality lie should be It is carefully woven, not a nonsense that is made up with a slap in the head.

"I don't understand your actions." Solim looked at the three of them, "What are you doing here?"

The relationship between Draco and these people is not very good, especially Potter and Weasley, because of Solim's relationship, Draco is not very likely to find trouble with Hermione. .

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