Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 149: Neville And The Boggart

Solim didn't know what Lucius and Draco said alone, but he could make a rough guess. But the protagonist of this matter is still Draco, what he wants to do in the end is up to himself, this Solim will not care.

The attention of the third year students has now shifted from Draco's injury to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Lupine is undoubtedly a capable professor. This is different from the professors the students met in the previous two years. The first two professors in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class were simply disasters. Especially last year, to be honest, many students actually no longer hold this class. What hope, but Lupine's arrival gave them hope again. The news about him on the train has already spread. A professor who can release the Patronus Charm is undoubtedly qualified. Moreover, when he led them to the defense classroom, he also met Peeves. This annoying elf is very difficult to deal with. All the students are aware of this, but Professor Lupine easily drove Peeves away. From this point of view, Professor Lupine has been given a lot of points.

Compared with Professor Quirrell who stutters and has no purpose in class, and Professor Lockhart who turns the Defense Against the Dark Arts class into a stage play and keeps bragging about himself in class, Professor Lupine undoubtedly has real skills, although he wears Not too good, looks a bit shabby.

When the students filed into the classroom, they were surprised to find that Professor Snape was here, which made the students puzzled.

However, Professor Snape obviously didn't come here to teach them. He had a short conversation with Professor Lupine, what kind of medicine is ready, what to drink quickly, what to do if something goes wrong, and other incomprehensible words, all present except Solim No one knows what they're talking about.

However, the students' attention was quickly diverted, and a face that kept shaking and making noises attracted everyone's attention.

"Don't be afraid," said Professor Lupine calmly, "it's just a Boggart in there.

The students looked at each other, they didn't listen to anything at all. And some little wizards who knew what a Boggart was showed a look of fear.

While scanning the students, Lupine found a very interesting thing, the group on the left is the students of Gryffindor, the group on the right is the students of Slytherin, and the one standing in the middle is the Solim who impressed him so much temperature.

What happened on the train is still fresh in Lupine's memory. A third-year student—of course, strictly speaking, he was not yet a third-year student at that time, but he could unleash a complete Patronus, and it seemed to be quite lethal to dementors. This fact made Lupine Very surprised. You know, the four of them couldn't do this at Solim's age.

After Lupine came to the school, he specifically asked the other professors about Solim-except Cuthbert Binns. Lupine also studied at Hogwarts, he knows what Binns is like, Cuthbert Binns can't remember the names of the students at all, it's useless to ask, and the students in his class are basically Sleeping or busy with their own affairs, no one will listen to Professor Baosi's class seriously.

But Lupine never imagined that there would be a student at Hogwarts who would listen carefully and take notes in Cuthbert Binns' class, and he would never have imagined that there would be a student who only took one History of Magic class and never went to it again. History of Magic classroom. However, Lupine was even more surprised after getting a general understanding of Solim. He found that the student's grades were ridiculously good. Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and even Professor Snape all spoke highly of this student, but this student usually Very low-key, hardly answering questions in class, but every time he completes homework after class is the best. When Lupine learned that Solim killed a troll that broke into the castle by himself in the first grade, he was in a bad mood. But the strange thing is that other students know that Solim is more because of his sister, the first daughter of the Selwyn family. This student is too low-key, he has almost no sense of presence in the school, he does not speak in class, and disappears after class, except for meal time and rest time, he can be seen, and few students can meet him at other times . This made Lupine very interested in Solim.

Solim standing in the middle didn't feel anything wrong. Hogwarts students have an unconscious habit: that is, they like to get together. The people of Gryffindor like to huddle, the people of Slytherin like to huddle, the people of Ravenclaw like to huddle together, and the people of Hufflepuff like to huddle together. And Solim has always been a loner.

To Solim's left is Draco, and to his right are Neville and Hermione. He stood on the dividing line between the Gryffindor and Slytherin groups.

"Okay"~," Lupine looked at the students' positions, and smiled in his heart. When he was a student, the students of the two colleges also stood like this. "Who will tell me what is a doctorate?" Gert. "

One arm was raised extremely quickly [nearby students even heard the sound of breaking wind. No matter whether it is a student of Gryffindor or a student of Slytherin, it is no surprise. They would be surprised if the professor didn't see the arm when he asked the question someday.

"Hmm, Miss Granger." Lupine motioned for Hermione to answer the question.

"It's a shape-shifting creature that can turn into whatever you fear the most, whether it's a person or a thing."

"Yeah, I guess I couldn't have said it better." Lupine nodded.

Hermione was smug.

"So, the Boggart sitting in the dark inside the closet has not yet manifested itself in any form. It doesn't know what scares people outside the door. No one knows what a Boggart looks like when he is alone , but as soon as I let it out, it immediately becomes the thing that each of us fears the most."

"So that means, before we start, we have a huge advantage over the Bogut, do you know what that is, Harry?"

Harry froze for a moment, he rarely answered questions in class - except for Potions. Hermione bounced around with her arms up.

" many of us? It doesn't know what to turn into? Is that so?"

"That's right! That's it!" Lupine said happily.

Hermione lowered her arm in disappointment, Solim wondered if he should stay away from Hermione, otherwise he was really afraid that Hermione would put her arm on his face if she didn't pay attention.

"The spell to repel a Boggart is simple, but it takes willpower. You know, what really scares a Boggart is laughter. All you have to do is force it into something you think is ridiculous."

Lupine clapped his hands, "Let's try saying this spell without a wand next - funny funny."

"Funny, funny." There were ragged voices in the classroom. And some students didn't open their mouths at all, like Solim.

Lupine turned a blind eye to this, "Okay, now we should officially try it out, Neville."

Neville was a little dazed when he heard his name. The professors of all subjects—except Professor Sprout, rarely called Neville's name in class.

*〃Go up! Hurry up. Solim poked Neville with his finger.

"Come on, Neville, tell me what you're most afraid of." Lupine said gently.

As a result, Neville hesitated for a long time and refused to say anything.

"It's okay Neville, I'm here, you don't have to worry about Boggart, just speak boldly." Lupine was still persuasive, but Neville just clenched his teeth this time and refused to let go.

"Okay," Lupine resigned, "that's okay, I think we'll find out what you're most afraid of in a minute."

Indeed, as soon as the Boggart came out, people would know what he was afraid of without Neville telling him.

"I can't think of anyone but Professor Snape," Ronald whispered to Harry.

"I don't think so." Hermione said to herself, then glanced at the man who was clearly standing.

"Get your wand ready, Neville, you'll just have to say that spell aloud later. You'll be fine." Then Lupine had the students line up and go up one by one when Neville was done.

As a result, upon hearing this, the students swarmed back, exposing Solim, but Solim didn't care. Before coming to Hogwarts, Solim had met Boggart when he was in Skull, but Siji himself didn't know that what he saw at that time was different from what he was going to see later.

"Get ready—three—two—," Lupine waved his wand, and the cabinet door swung open.

The first thing to note is - the hinge of the door of this cabinet is on the left, that is to say, the cabinet is opened from the right. When she was holding the door frame with one hand and was about to come out, Lim stared dumbfounded at the right hand holding the door frame, to be precise, it was the ring on her hand.

"¥%………………" Before Solim could say anything, another Solim walked out of the cabinet.

"I came out..." Solim was surprised to find that he was still complaining about himself.

After seeing the Boggart's appearance, the students looked at Solim standing there in surprise—but they could only see the back of his head.

"'s really unexpected..." Lupine held his wand with surprise on his face. He looked at Neville and then at Solim with a cold face.

Neville was about to faint, the real Solim was standing behind him, Neville could even feel his cousin staring at him.

What Neville was most afraid of was not Professor Snape but Solim, and the news would spread at the speed of Apparation. .

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