"Harry, what's the matter with you recently?" Ronald called Harry after the transfiguration class.

"What's wrong?"

"Hermione is very strange recently. She often disappears as soon as you turn around, and many of the classes she chooses conflict with each other. Now you are also like this. At night, both you and Hermione disappear." Speaking of this, Ronald was careful He looked around, then lowered his voice and asked, "Are you... are you in a relationship?"

"What!" Harry yelled in surprise, noticing the eyes of the students nearby, Harry lowered his voice and said, "That's not the case, what are you thinking? How could I be with Hermione...that. ....."

"Then you guys disappeared after dinner recently, and sometimes you didn't come back even after the restricted time." Ronald said reluctantly, "Dude, I share the same dorm with you. For several days, there were only me and you in the room." Seamus, you and Neville came back very late, what the hell did you do?"

There were four people in Harry's bedroom: him, Ronald, Seamus and Neville. Sometimes Harry and Neville were late practicing spells in the small classroom, "only after passing the gate control. This can't be hidden from Ronald who is in the same cancer room.

Harry thought about it, wondering if he should tell Ronald the truth. 25 Hermione once told Harry about this in private. If Ronald knew that Harry was learning the Patronus Charm from Solim, he would either follow him, or he wanted to draw a line between Harry and Slytherin. If Ronald was out of his mind at the time, It's so good, maybe I will go to Solim to quarrel. Given that the limited number of encounters between Solim and Ronald had not been very pleasant, Hermione suggested that Harry would be better off keeping Ronald from it.

"Uh...we've been discussing some study matters recently." Harry hadn't lied much since he was a child, and he really wasn't very good at making up nonsense. But what Harry said is really not a lie, is it?

"What about study?" Ronald didn't believe it at all. As the closest person to Harry, Ronald knew Harry very well. He had never seen Harry actively study. He and Harry just flipped through the book to finish homework. That's all.

"...Don't ask Ronald, we have nothing to do." Harry didn't want to lie to Ronald, but he didn't want to cause any trouble either. Although Harry is not smart, he also understands that, as Hermione said, if he really told Ronald, what could Ronald do to prevent himself from learning the Patronus Charm from Solim? If Ronald is really Harry's A friend wouldn't say such a thing, and it's not like he didn't see himself on the train at that time. If Ronald wants to come, Harry is actually willing, but the relationship between Ronald and Slytherin is really bad, Solim is not bad, as long as Ronald doesn't provoke him, he usually doesn't care about Ronald, but there is Mal in the small classroom. Fuzai, these two people are walking on the road and want to spit in each other's face when they see it. If they put them together, maybe nothing will happen? If it is the worst result that Hermione said, Ronald will put The matter was on Solim's head, what should I do if I asked him to argue? Harry was sure that Ronald would definitely suffer a lot if he did this.

But Ronald was not prepared to let Harry go just like that, but Harry didn't want to say it, and Ronald couldn't force him, so Ronald decided to watch Harry these few days to see what tricks they were playing. In fact, Ronald already had some guesses in his mind. Hermione and Neville often hang out with Slytherin people. Although many people don't know it, Ronald knows it. Now that Harry is added, Ronald has a bad feeling premonition. Since Harry was unwilling to speak out, Ronald decided to follow him.

But Ronald's attempt is clearly impossible, because the Quidditch season is approaching. At the beginning of October, Gryffindor's Quidditch captain, Wood, had a small meeting with the players in the Gryffindor common room on Tuesday, and Ronald knew about it because he had been staring at Harry. They're about to start training, Gryffindor hasn't won the Quidditch Cup in seven years, and Wood is in seventh grade, this is his last year, he really wants Gryffindor to win the Quidditch Cup again, which makes him Recently, it has become more and more urgent, and even the Gryffindor team has been training more and more. No matter it is windy or rainy, the Gryffindor team's training has never stopped. As long as the time is available, Wood will take the players to go. Training on the pitch. For this, Wood even memorized the schedules of all the team members.

One night, Harry and the rest of the team returned to the Gryffindor common room tired after training, only to find that the Gryffindor students were discussing something excitedly

"Great, Hogsmeade Day." Fred, maybe George? Anyway, Harry couldn't tell the two of them apart, and the two Weasley twins squeezed in through the doorway behind Harry, "We The material is almost bottomed out, I just went to add it. We have to speed up the progress, my brother."

"That's right, otherwise, if there is no result for so long, I think our big benefactor will be very upset." Another one picked up the conversation, "Harry, please don't stand in front of the door."

Harry looked around the Gryffindor lounge, Hermione and Neville were not there, so Harry knew where they were without thinking, but today Harry was very tired, and Wood's recent crazy training drained all of Harry's energy, he now only want to rest.

Harry slumped down next to Ronald, and collapsed into the chair.

"Man, you look exhausted." Ronald looked at Harry's current state.

"Wood is nuts," Harry grumbled.

"No way, Gryffindor hasn't won the Quidditch Cup for seven years, and this is his last year, he will graduate next year." Ronald was doing his homework

His profile picture is not yet complete.

"Have you finished Professor Sinistra's image? Let me have a look, I'm still close." Ronald asked. "It's due tomorrow."

"Oh!" Harry moaned in pain, "I forgot about this, it seems I can't rest yet.

"It's okay, you can read mine." Ronald said happily, he was glad to help Harry.

"It's best to write your own homework." At this moment, a voice interjected.

Harry and Ronald turned to see Hermione and Neville had just slipped through the doorway.

"Hermione, I'm exhausted, too much training lately, you know." Harry looked at Hermione expectantly. "I know you must have finished writing, lend me to read."

At this time, a mass of yellow things jumped out from nowhere and jumped into Hermione's arms.

"Oh, Crookshanks, I'll get you something to eat later." Hermione stroked the cat in her arms.

"Damn it! Keep that cat of yours away!" Ronald became angry when he saw the cat. When he was alone, the cat kept walking around Ronald.

Ronald knew why, his Scabbers was sleeping in his schoolbag. .

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