Even though Draco was quite excited after knowing that Lupine was a werewolf, he still followed Solim to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom the next day

Wizards have a long history of discrimination and fear of werewolves. Before the invention of wolfbane potion, every full moon night would cause people to panic. Not every werewolf would restrain himself during that time, and a werewolf on a full moon night would be extremely dangerous without the help of the wolfsbane potion to maintain sanity. Ordinary wizards have no good way to protect themselves and their families from harm when they encounter a transformed werewolf. Ordinary spells have little effect on werewolves, and the recovery ability of werewolves is very strong. If ordinary wizards encounter werewolves outside on a full moon night, they will basically rush to the street. Wizards seldom go out on a full moon night because they are afraid of encountering werewolves. In the past, even irrational werewolves broke into Muggle homes and slaughtered them. The Ministry of Magic has to strengthen its manpower every full moon night to ensure that werewolves will not have an impact on wizards and Muggle society. 25 The werewolf office and striker department under the Department of Magical Creature Management and Control are the busiest during this time period.

After being bitten by a werewolf, he will be infected with wolf's poison, which means that the bitten person can no longer be regarded as a human being. On the night of the next full moon, he will experience the first transformation, and then be driven by bloodthirsty desire hurt others. This is the root cause of wizards' fear of werewolves. Even now that there is a wolfsbane potion that can restore a werewolf's sanity on a full moon night, how to restore a werewolf to a human body is still a difficult problem to overcome.

As long as you are bitten by a werewolf, it means that your life is ruined. The werewolf registration office will register all your information, so it will be very difficult for you to find a job. How can you live without a job? This has also led to many werewolves having to embark on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes.

But if you don't register as a werewolf, then you're in big trouble. According to the "Werewolf Management Regulations" promulgated by the Ministry of Magic, once a werewolf that has not been registered with the Ministry of Magic is discovered, the werewolf capture force under the Department of Magical Creatures Management and Control will go to capture it. If it resists, it can be killed on the spot. After being captured, there will be a trial: if there is any illegal activity in the werewolf state, the sentence will be heavy. If not, they will be taken to live in a werewolf gathering area, and it will be difficult to leave there for the rest of their lives.

In the law of wizards, a werewolf is not a human being, but a magical creature. Even if he was a human being before becoming a werewolf, once he became a werewolf, most of the rights of being born as a human would be deprived. This means that werewolves can be tortured in the trial, and veritaserum can also be used. All the provisions in the law that are beneficial to wizards no longer apply to werewolves.

It is neither human, but also poses a serious threat to the lives of others. This makes wizards discriminate against werewolves and fear them at the same time.

Every wizard understands that as long as he is bitten by a werewolf, his life will be over. Draco naturally knew this too, there was no other reason why he came to the class, because Solim told him that if Lupine was really that kind of uncontrolled dangerous werewolf, it was impossible for Dumbledore to let him enter Hogwarts , and his danger level will be greatly reduced after taking wolfbane potion.

Even so, during class, Draco dragged Solim to the last row of the classroom - the place closest to the door. This somewhat gave Draco a sense of security.

Professor Lupine decisively exempted the paper on werewolves from Professor Snape after learning about the situation, which made most of the students cheer - except He. She looked back depressedly at Solim who was sitting in the last row. She had finished writing that thesis, and now it seemed to be for nothing.

This lesson Lupine is about the Hinkpunk, a slightly menacing creature. Solim already knew about the creature "so he kept his head down and continued reading his book on Animagus until the end of get out of class.

After class, Harry actually took the initiative to find Solim, which made Solim a little surprised. He glanced at Weasley who was standing not far away, and Solim couldn't figure out what the two were going to do.

"Solim...I... heard that when you were last in Hogsmeade..."

Come on, Solim knew what that kid Harry was going to do, no wonder that kid Ronald was able to stand aside. The next Hogsmeade Day was coming, and Harry couldn't help but want to go out and have a look. Maybe it was Weasley who came up with the idea.

After thinking about it, Solim had an idea in his mind.

"Harry, first of all I want to make a statement: I can't take you out..." Solim said with a smile, and he started again.

"Why!" Ronald heard it not far away, and walked over to accuse Solim: "You can take others out, why can't you take Harry out?"

Solim didn't look at Weasley at all, Draco on the side sneered: "Weasley, what does this have to do with you?"

"It's all right, Draco, anyone with a brain knows that I haven't finished my sentence." Solim looked at Harry, "You see Harry didn't say anything? He knew I hadn't finished my sentence. Didn't he? "

"I really can't 'personally' take you out, because you are fundamentally different from other students, but if you really want to go out, there is no way. But don't even think about going out through the castle gate openly, Come with me, Harry, you are alone, and what I tell you next you must promise not to tell anyone else." Out of the corner of Solim's eye, he saw Weasley's face flush.

"Draco, go to the auditorium for dinner first, I'll be right there." Solim waved his hand and took Harry away.

Now Draco and Ronald were left staring at each other, while Hermione and Neville watched them, for fear that they would fight. Hermione knew very well that there were only four of them left here, and as soon as he and Neville left, Draco would definitely give Ronald a lesson when no one was around. The spell practice in the small classroom made Hermione very aware of the gap in strength between Draco and Ronald. If the two of them really fought, Ronald would definitely be hammered to the ground by Draco.

"Okay, let's all go to eat first." Hermione said quickly, she had already noticed that the atmosphere between the two people was getting worse and worse, and if they didn't break up, they would definitely fight.

"Just ask Harry after he comes back later."

Draco squinted at the three people in Gryffindor, rolled his eyes, and then said to Weasley with a sneer: "What? Has Weasley fallen to the point where he has to be protected by mud... Muggles?"

Draco quickly changed his words, if he let Solim know that he said that word, he would hang him on the chandelier.

Ronald turned around and stared at Draco at the words.

"Do you want to fight? Eh? Malfoy?" Ronald gasped.

"You?" Draco looked Weasley up and down. He sneered and said, "Do you dare to do it?"

Hermione couldn't stop her now. .

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