"Do you know what your grandfather Elrond does?" Evans asked a question first.


"No, I mean, do you know exactly what your grandfather is doing for the Council of Elders?"

"I don't know about this. I asked him before, but he never answered~answered my question."

Elrond would disappear every once in a while, and the disappearance time ranged from half a year to more than a year. Solim also asked Elrond what he was doing during the time when he disappeared, but whenever Solim asked this question, Elrond either changed the subject or told him directly not to ask so many things that had nothing to do with him. As time went by, Solim stopped asking, because he couldn't get anything out of it.

"Well, it's about the same as what I thought." Evans nodded, "Your grandfather's collective responsibility is more important. He inspected the car and sealed it. You should know about the seal, right?"

Nodding his head, Solim did know some things about sealing, but it was only superficial.

As mentioned before, there are many seals in the world, some of which were left a long time ago. If these seals are not clearly recorded, today's wizards have no idea what is sealed inside. This kind of seal is generally as far as possible. It will be strengthened and maintained, and will be guarded. There is also a seal with clear records, whether it is ancient or modern, this type of seal with clear records will take different measures according to the level of danger. However, these have nothing to do with Elrond. He has only one duty, which is to check the integrity of the seal and whether there are signs of man-made damage. As for the damaged seal, the Danger Placement Committee will send another wizard to deal with it. Elrond's job is to check from one seal to another, fill out forms, write reports and submit them. Due to the different positions of the seals, the time of each inspection cycle is also different.

"I have a distant uncle who works with your grandfather, but I haven't seen your grandfather for two work cycles, and there is no news about your grandfather's resignation." Evans sniffed, "Your grandfather is currently missing, but the strange thing is that his department has not taken any action. For this reason, we have paid attention to your family's actions, but your family has not taken any action, did not find anyone, and did not disclose any information to the outside world. information, which is unusual."

Hearing Evans' words, Solim was indeed taken aback at first. But when he heard that Selwyn calmed down without any action, Solim knew in his heart that this should be the time for Cadmus to start fulfilling his promise. Grandpa should be fine. Evans seems to be very concerned about his affairs, or his family is very concerned about their affairs. After all, they are in a cooperative relationship with themselves now, but if their biggest backer Elrond falls, they will sell themselves in minutes.

Although Solim thinks that nothing happened to Grandpa, it's better to make sure. Besides, even if something really happened, Solim who stayed at Hogwarts couldn't do anything, so it's better to calm down and take a look at the situation than to be shocked.

After getting out of Evans, Solim decided to send an owl to Gilvez first to ask about the situation. His close friend should know the situation of grandpa. According to Solim's estimate, at this moment, grandpa should be attacking the domain of the great wizard with the help of the family, but this is just a guess. Although the possibility is very high, other possibilities cannot be ruled out.

It was another Hogsmeade Day soon, and Solim decided that it would be time to mail the letter through the Hogsmeade post office. Although there are public owls available in Hogwarts Castle, these owls are not safe and can be easily intercepted by others, at least not difficult for those skilled wizards—such as Evans. Solim is now not allowing Evans to tell himself the news about his grandfather. What is the reason? Is it a test? Or is it because of a collaborator’s worry? Or is there any other thoughts mixed in? But it is always right to be safe .

While Solim was still having a headache from these things, Harry's was also having a headache. His good buddy was in the hospital again - beaten by Malfoy. According to Hermione, Ronald and Malfoy had a fight shortly after Lime left, and as a result Ronald was sent to the school hospital, and Snape deducted 50 points, and he will be locked up next week. confinement.

Harry was standing in front of Ronald's hospital bed watching him now, and Hermione was standing beside him.

"Tomorrow is Hogsmeade Day, will you be able to leave the hospital by then?" Harry is most concerned about this issue now, and Malfoy's affairs can be settled later, but if he goes to Hogsmeade without the company of his friends, then what is the problem? What else do you mean?

……ask for flowers……

"Should be fine," then Ronald looked at Harry excitedly as if remembering something: "So..."

Harry grinned too: "That's right. I can go with you tomorrow - but not through the gate, you know. Solim told me a... er, a way to Leave the castle, and you'll be waiting for me at the Duke of Bees." Harry suddenly remembered that he had promised Solim not to tell anyone about the secret passage.

"Great!" Ronald was really happy for Harry.

But there will always be people who throw cold water on this kind of time.

"I warned you at the time, you can't leave the castle at this time!" Hermione said coldly, "It's not safe!"


"Oh! God, Hermione, when will you not spoil the fun?" Ronald thumped the bed hard. "We're going to Hogsmeade, not Azkaban!"

"Have you forgotten? What you told us on the train was what you overheard from Mr. Weasley." Hermione ignored Ronald and just stared at Harry.

"No. But...." Harry tried to explain, but Hermione didn't give him the chance.

"Blake has already broken into the castle once. If the fat lady didn't stop him, he would have rushed into the Gryffindor lounge. Who knows if he is looking for opportunities outside the castle now? You are safe in the castle, with Dumbledore Headmaster, there are professors, but once you leave the castle, once you are..."

"Oh, then you think Black will hide in a tuft of grass or behind a wall, and rush out to finish Harry when he comes over? Hermione..." Ronald said earnestly: "We are going to Hogsmoor Dude, there are professors there too, and it's full of students, and dementors patrol there every night—you saw that notice the last time we went, didn't you? How do you think Black is hiding in Hogsmoor De not found?"

Ronald's words made Hermione unable to refute for a while. Hermione has no choice but to move out the professor:

"Well, even without Black, what if the professors see Harry? How many points will be deducted?" Hermione pointed at Ronald on the bed: "You won't forget, right? You were deducted 50 points just now. "

Ronald, whose scar was exposed by Hermione, suddenly turned ugly. .

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