Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 186: The Truth 4

Being squeezed out by students in this school all the year round, students in other schools also don't like Snape, especially Gryffindor's, there is an "alone" Slytherin, is there any better "target" than this? Plus Snape at that time—— —Not only then, but even now, slovenly at best, scruffy at worst. How could such a student be popular?

Lily, potions, black magic, these three things are all that Snape has.

It can be said that if it wasn't for the rise of Voldemort, if it wasn't for Snape's strong interest in Voldemort's theories, no one would talk to Snape in school. Snape's social activities at Hogwarts were extremely poor at that time, before he and Lily fell out completely, except that Lily would talk to Snape from time to time

Those Slytherin students who also had dreams for Voldemort. Lucius was still Snape's senior at that time, and now many of those who were imprisoned in Azkaban, escaped trial, and some unlucky ones who were killed, these later Death Eaters were almost all Snape's classmates, With Snape having such a relationship, how could Dumbledore feel at ease with him? Dumbledore's attitude towards Snape at that time was the same as his attitude towards Lestrange, Malfoy, Goyle, Crabbe, Rozier, Carrow and other famous Death Eaters. The attitude of the family is the same, that is, strict monitoring and absolute distrust and vigilance.

"I know what you're thinking. You thought Snape was salvageable," said Dumbledore. "Judging from today's results, it is true, but~ I'm not a prophet

Speaking of this, Dumbledore glanced at Solim, "I don't know what kind of person he will become in the future, but judging from the situation at that time, it is almost a certainty that he will become a Death Eater .”

"Although the situation in school was passable at that time, the outside world was already a mess. I couldn't have the energy and time to try to eliminate Tom's influence on Snape. It was really an uncertain behavior."

Solim finally understood, Dumbledore was unwilling to spend time on Snape at that time, after all, to Dumbledore, even if Snape changed his ways, it wouldn't affect anything, not to mention that even if Snape stood on the opposite side of Voldemort, the result would be good or bad Or two words.

Snape and Potter's gang have always been at loggerheads, and suddenly they are brothers in the trenches. This change is too sudden, and with the nature of Potter's gang, they will never trust Snape, so These uncertainties will bring great hidden dangers in the process of fighting Voldemort, and Snape has joined the Order of the Phoenix, what will Potter think of Dumbledore? These things will definitely lead to discord within the Order of the Phoenix. This was absolutely fatal at the time, after all Voldemort was also a good player at manipulating people's hearts. Compared to these huge hidden dangers, it was reasonable for Dumbledore to treat Snape like this at the time.

"Then I'll ask you some questions too." Dumbledore crossed his hands on the table, "What do you want to do?"

Solim tilted his head, thinking for a while without understanding what Dumbledore was asking.

"The things you said in the Three Broomsticks were meant for Harry."

As soon as Dumbledore said Solim, he understood that the questions Solim asked Fudge and Hagrid on the Three Broomsticks were actually hints to Harry, but obviously the kid didn't listen to anything, only remembered that Black betrayed him parents.

Shaking his head, Solim said: "Obviously, I said those words in vain. He didn't listen to a word, otherwise he would have come to me long ago."

Solim had already made it so obvious, telling others that he knew a lot about the events of that year, but in the end Harry didn't ask him for anything. Apparently what Solim was implying at the time was not being listened to at all.

"Headmaster, you were here too, and asked me to offer some help to Harry Potter. I offered, but it turned out to be frustrating, and he didn't care at all."

"Gryffindor seems to be preconceived easily. Even if the facts are put in front of their eyes, they will selectively turn a blind eye. Unless they see it with their own eyes, it is difficult to change their views. This is what disgusts me the most." Solim Shrugging, "I don't want to be directly involved in Potter's actions [I don't think I have any problem offering 'help' in this way."

………ask for flowers…

"After Miss Granger's relationship with them froze, do you think so too?" Dumbledore's tone was unemotional, but Solim knew he was a little displeased.

Hermione had always been Potter's brain, and when the critical moment came, Potter and Weasley would still listen to Hermione, and these two could also listen to what Hermione said. But now, due to various reasons, Hermione and the other two are like strangers. Hermione and Harry are not bad, and there is a possibility of resuming their relationship, but Ronald and Hermione have almost no such possibility. Not only Just the rat, and the bad senses that Ronald gave Hermione a lot of time. Because of Solim's relationship, Hermione's feeling towards Ronald is even worse than in the original book, without the brains, with Potter and Weasley, they really can't do anything - except to cause trouble.


"Once the relationship between people is broken, it will be troublesome to repair it. Even if we finally shake hands and forgive each other, the previous rift will still exist, and we don't know when it will happen again." Solim shook his head. , the relationship between them is not the reason why I came to this point......

Feeling Dumbledore's gaze, Solim curled his lips: ...well, there is a little bit of my reason. But even if you want to repair the relationship between them, the principal, you have to wait until the matter of Black comes to an end, and the relationship between them can be reconciled until all the truth is revealed. "

"Since you've already said that, principal, you must be asking me to do something. Just say it, it's getting late."

The weather tonight is still good, there are very few clouds in the sky, which is very suitable for stargazing.

The astrology diagram has been drawn, Solim has no interest in astronomy, this exam is to draw the astrology diagram, which is not difficult for Solim.

Solim looked up at the starry sky with his neck up, and what Dumbledore told him was still in his mind: guide Harry to learn the truth of the year step by step. Solim can more or less guess what Dumbledore thinks, and he is going to let Harry get in touch with some things gradually, that is to say, Dumbledore is going to start training

Harry took two. .

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