Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 188: The Coming Exam

Solim's Animagus is complete, but there is still a long way to go before it can be used proficiently. For a period of time after the completion of Animagus, he had to transform every day to consolidate the feeling of transformation, and the body of a snake is completely different from that of a human, so Solim also took time to adapt.

But no matter what, Solim's long-term efforts were not in vain. He succeeded. Although his Animagus form was not what he expected, it was acceptable.

The Animagus can be regarded as completed, but Solim is not thinking about his own Animagus now, and he has not used this time to adapt to the feeling of being a snake. After all, in Solim's view, since Animagus Magus has already finished, so there will be plenty of time and opportunity to get used to these in the future.

Solim is thinking about other things now.

In the form of a snake, I can understand Parseltongue, and I can also speak, but the reason I can do this is because in the form of Animagus, will I still be able to understand it when I change back into a human form? Seed energy 25 power?

Solim has seen a lot of research and guesses about the ability of Parseltongue, it can be learned through acquired learning, but most Golden Parseltongue wizards can master this talent because of their blood. It is speculated that my younger sister has this talent because of her mother's blood. But what is my current situation? Will I still be able to master the snake tongue after changing back to human form?

The current form makes Solim have no chance of verification at all, and everything can only wait until he returns to human form.

Solim was preoccupied here, while Sirna on the other side was curiously staring at Solim's transformed snake. This is the first time to observe an Animagus up close, and it is also a snake that has special significance for Syl.

Sirna, who had been making a fuss all night, had already fallen asleep, but Solim had no intention of resting at all, and he was currently crawling around in his box. Although he knows that he is a snake now, Solim's human habits are still difficult to change in a short period of time. Sometimes Solim can even feel his limbs as a human when he is crawling, but he also knows that this is just It's just an illusion, but the instinct imprinted on the soul will still affect his actions in the form of Animagus.

In addition to the problem of phantom limbs, there is also the problem of habit. As we all know, humans are visual animals, and vision is the main means for humans to observe the outside world, but snakes are not. This also brings some troubles to Solim. It is still in the groping stage for Solim to sense the change of external heat through the cheek fossa. I can't use it proficiently for a while.

I don't know how long it took, Solim's current body told him that there was a warm place nearby, and his body desperately wanted to go there.

Shout out, cold-blooded animal...... Although Solim was not very satisfied with this, he still obeyed his body's instinct and climbed up the bed along the foot of the bed. Finally, the whole body got into the quilt, leaving only the snake head outside.

Under the influence of the biological clock, Sirna wakes up on time in the morning. As soon as she opened her eyes, she immediately got up and started looking for something. But after looking around, he didn't find his brother. However, the wizard robe that was thrown on the bed before was gone, and it was only then that Sirna realized that her brother had changed back into a human form and was probably outside the box now.

Sirna had just stepped out of the box when she saw Solim eating breakfast.

"Go and wash your face, and then come over to have breakfast. I asked the elf to bring them over. They are all your favorite food. After eating, go directly to the exam." Solim looked at his sister with stunned hair while eating a sandwich , "By the way, tidy up your hair."

Sirna thought for a while, and suddenly said something in Parseltongue.

Solim was taken aback when he heard it, and then made a hissing sound as well.

Sirna glanced at her brother with complicated eyes, and went to the bathroom without saying anything.

The third grade will take the Defense Against the Dark Arts test this morning, but Solim knows what will happen, so it's better to eat more in the morning.

All the students were taken outdoors by Lupine when it was time for exams - something no one expected.

Lupine cleverly strung together all the creatures they had learned this semester to form a huge field, and the students had to wade across a pond with Grindylow

Walking through a grove full of red hats, carefully walking through a swamp, ignoring the wrong instructions from a Shinkpunk, and then climbing into a large box to face a Boggart, only well done students can get high marks.

Most of the students looked at the field in front of them excitedly. They had never been exposed to this type of examination. Even the Slytherin students were a little excited. Although the Slytherin students were superficially dismissive of Lupin's performance, they were just putting on a show and maintaining a kind of "academic correctness". After all, a professor who was born in Gryffindor would not be affected by Slytherin The students' favorite, and one was made for Professor Snape, after all their dean didn't seem to get along well with Lupine.

These pediatrics are no problem for Solim at all. While lying across the calf-deep pond, Grindylow would grab the students' feet, but Solim would not let them touch him at all, and landed easily on the bank.

After using magic to dry his shoes and clothes, Solim plunged into the grove where the red hats were entangled, and came out after a while as if nothing had happened, as if the grove was just a grove 507.

But the next place made Solim feel a little uncomfortable: he just made fun of himself, and now he has to go into a swamp to deal with Shinkpunk, but for Shinkpunk, night is their activity time, The glowing organ on their heads in broad daylight is nothing to the prepared mind.

Professor Lupine stood at the finish line and clapped his hands when he saw Solim coming out of the big box containing the Boggart.

"I think we have a new record." Then something was written on the parchment, "Congratulations, Mr. Selwyn, I think a '0' is beyond doubt about your grade.

Solim nodded politely to Lupin. Then he returned to the crowd and stood by Draco's side.

"It's not bad." Draco said happily: "But I think my performance will not be bad when I think about it."

"Good luck then." Solim looked absently at the exam venue.

"Aha!" Draco clapped his hands excitedly, "Look at Weasley!"

Weasley was caught by Grindylow in the water at the first pass, and fell into the water firmly.

"Okay, the main course is over. I have to take the magic pattern test in the afternoon. Come back when you finish it. Ask me if you don't understand anything." Solim glanced at Weasley, who was spitting, "I'll go back first."

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