What should come is still here.

In the small auditorium, there were quite a few people who should come. Fudge took the chair, and the Hazardous Creatures Committee and the Law Enforcement Division took their seats in turn. The scale of the hearing this time was not large, and the charges were not serious. Except for Minister Fudge, no heavyweight officials were present at all.

There is Hagrid at Hogwarts, and there are many students who came to see the excitement. After all, they have finished their exams. Seeing the excitement, many students crowded into the small auditorium. If it weren't for the small auditorium, the place is really small. It is estimated that a hundred people can be squeezed in.

Apart from Fudge, there is no other member of the Wizengamot here, not to mention that he is also the Minister of Magic, and he is the moderator of today's hearing. The people sent by the Hazardous Creatures Disposal Committee and the Law Enforcement Department mainly provided Fudge with advice on the legal provisions and provided some cases.

In addition, Hogwarts also has professor representatives, and this task undoubtedly fell to Professor McGonagall. The student representative Fudge chose Solim and Harry. In fact, Solim was not very interested in this so-called student representative at first. It was only after Draco's repeated requests that he reluctantly agreed.

When everything was ready, Linji cleared his throat.

"The time is April 20th. The hearing will be held at Hogwarts. The main purpose of the hearing is to investigate Rubeus Hagrid's dereliction of duty, and to deal with dangerous creatures that violated the law as appropriate based on the results of the inquiry."

While Fudge was talking, the secretary next to him was writing something quickly on the parchment with a quill pen.

"Now I announce: the hearing has officially started. Now I announce the precautions routinely: no one is allowed to speak without permission, and no one is allowed to interrupt or disrupt order in any form. The first warning and the second expulsion. Case statement: Draco Malfoy."

A group of students surrounded in the small auditorium looked at the door in unison, and Draco strolled in.

"Draco Malfoy is here."

"Clarifier, you can start." Fudge nodded to Draco.

Draco bowed, and then told the process and results of the whole incident in a calm tone. Many students have heard of this incident, and Draco didn't add fuel to it, but just told the truth.

"Very well, you can stand aside first, presenter." Fudge smiled kindly at Draco, "Then bring another presenter: Rubeus Hagrid."

Hagrid was nervous, and even turned when he walked in. He was still wearing his dirty overcoat, and his beard and hair hadn't been (cffe) trimmed, and they were as disheveled as ever.

"Begin the presentation." Fudge frowned at Hagrid, the first time he'd seen someone so unkempt in a hearing. Although Fudge knows what Hagrid looks like more or less, but he is a dignified minister of the Ministry of Magic who is involved in a case, and as the subject of questioning, he doesn't take care of his appearance at all, "Fudge is a little upset.

Hagrid licked his lips nervously, and began his somewhat inconsistent statement. Anyone could tell that Hagrid was on edge. Hermione in the crowd couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and Ronald who was not far away also clenched his fists and stared at Malfoy who was standing in the field.

Fudge finally grew impatient and interrupted Hagrid's rambling presentation.

"The presentation session is over, and each representative will speak in turn." Fudge looked at Professor McGonagall, "Then let Professor McGonagall start first.

Professor McGonagall stood up, glanced at Hagrid who was teetering, and sighed inwardly.

"As a colleague of Professor Hagrid, I know him very well. He definitely did not deliberately or intentionally cause such a teaching accident. I think all the professors and students present can come to the same judgment. What happened to Mr. Malfoy is just a For example, the qualifications of Professor Hagrid cannot be completely denied, and the school has already taken complete precautions against the courses that are prone to accidents in teaching, and Hogwarts will not have such teaching accidents in the future. I request a lighter punish him.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall." Hagrid's eyes were red, and he was about to wipe them off with his shiny black sleeve.

"Silence!" Fudge hammered the table, "Rubeus Hagrid, you are not allowed to speak, this is the first warning. If there is a second time, I think you know the result

Hagrid immediately lowered his head. listen in

The students were silent for a moment, and it was the first time for them to attend the hearing, and most of them were seeing such a serious occasion for the first time.

"Student representatives speak next." Fudge pointed to Harry, let's start with Mr. Potter.

"Okay...uh, sir." Harry was nervous, knowing that he was overwhelmed after being elected as student representative, and he didn't know how to use this position to help Hagrid when the time came. It was only at this time that Harry really regretted it. If they had really put their heart into finding the information back then, maybe it would come in handy now.

But now there is no other way, so I can only bite the bullet. According to the previous discussion with Ronald, we just need to blame Malfoy. If the fault is all on Malfoy, then Hagrid is naturally innocent.

"I think Professor Hagrid is innocent." As soon as these words came out, it seemed like ten thousand flies had entered the small auditorium.

"Silence! Silence!" Fudge patted the table several times angrily.

"Your reason."

"Professor Hagrid has already told us the precautions for contacting the Hippogriff before, and it was Malfoy who provoked Buckbeak...it was the Hippogriff. It caused Malfoy to be injured, and if he hadn't provoked him, such a thing would never have happened." Harry gradually let go, speaking more and more confidently, "So I think Professor Hagrid is innocent, if you don't believe it, Mr. There were many students present, and they could all testify that it was Malfoy who provoked the hippogriff first.

Fudge turned to the man from the Hazardous Creatures Committee and motioned for him to speak.

"Hippogriffs do show aggression when provoked," said the Hazardous Creature Commission official, adding: "But what I don't understand is

Didn't Rubeus Hagrid do anything to stop the beast then?"

Then he nodded to Fudge: "Mr. Minister, I have finished speaking."

"Rubeus Hagrid . . . and Mr. Potter, do you have any excuse for that?" Fudge asked.

"I...I wasn't with Malfoy at the time..." Hagrid's two large hands mingled together.

"Professor Hagrid was observing other students, and by the time he realized something was wrong, it was too late," Harry added.

Fudge nodded expressionlessly, then looked at Solim, "I see, then another student representative will speak next. Mr. Selwyn, you can start now.

Solim stood up, he just wanted to end as soon as possible, there are many things waiting for him.

"Mr. Malfoy was provocative first. It is indeed his fault. There is nothing to say about it." Solim's words made most of the people present look at him in surprise. Two student representatives, one from Gryffindor and one from Slytherin, Everyone can guess the meaning of this. By saying that, Som agrees that Hagrid is innocent?

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