Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 195: The Brave Mouse

There is a mouse running frantically outside the Forbidden Forest.

He didn't know where to go, it was obviously a dead end deep in the Forbidden Forest. Because I don't know why, not long after I hid in the Forbidden Forest, I started to be attacked by snakes. It was okay at first, it was just some small snakes, and I was able to escape. But just a few minutes ago, a snake that was a big guy even from a human point of view attacked him. If it wasn't for his extremely keen insight into danger, he might have been injured by now. These snakes are encountered almost every two or three minutes.

It's not that Peter didn't want to change back to human form, but he didn't dare.

What had happened in Hagrid's hut a few hours earlier had nearly knocked him out of his wits.

You can call Peter cowardly, you can call him mean, but Peter has never been a fool, at least not when it comes to anticipating danger.

Snape was clearly after him, and Peter knew that very well.

But there is a question: how did Snape know? Well, even if Snape somehow knew what happened back then, how did he find out about himself?

Soon Peter thought of something, an object he knew well—the Marauder's Map.


147 After learning that Black had escaped from prison, Peter started thinking about the Marauder's Map. He sneaked into Filch's hut, but found nothing—this made Peter very anxious. The map was obviously taken away by Filch back then, but it is not here now, so what does this mean?

Peter could only hope that no one would use it, that it never fell into Lupine's or Black's hands. Peter's prayers seemed to have worked, and no one noticed him except the two times Blake broke into the castle. But Snape came to the door today, which made Peter wonder what happened.

Peter's ability is not outstanding, his combat ability is not as good as those of his former "friends", and his talent is not as good, but relatively "Peter's ability to save himself and his ability to act in times of crisis are very strong.

If it wasn't like this, he wouldn't have been able to escape from Black's hands back then, and blamed him on his head. Peter knew that he must never go deeper into the Forbidden Forest, the deeper he went, the more dangerous he would be. Peter and his "friends" often came here when he was a student, and he knew the Forbidden Forest very well.

But without going deep into the Forbidden Forest, how to get rid of these snakes that would jump out without knowing it? Transforming into a human form is too risky. He doesn't have a magic wand now, and it is too risky to meet someone. Peter understood that he couldn't stay in the Forbidden Forest for a long time, otherwise he would have no chance of surviving as a mouse. The natural enemies of mice are everywhere here: snakes, birds, and even goblins

The longer you stay here, the higher the danger, and you have no chance to rest now. .

But can it go out? Peter asked himself.

Peter has already determined in his heart that the one who exposed himself is the Marauder's Map. As the "named" producer of the Marauder's Map, he is also very aware of the limits of the Marauder's Map. His current position happens to be undetectable by the Marauder's Map, but Once he walked out of the Forbidden Forest, it would be displayed on the Marauder's Map immediately. What would he face at that time, Peter was already too lazy to think about it.

But even if he wants to run away, if he wants to run out of Hogwarts, he has to come out of the Forbidden Forest first, and then he has to pass the dementors outside the school. Peter can't guarantee whether he will encounter any monsters on the way. to black. As long as he meets Black, he will be torn to pieces in the next second, and Peter knows this very well.

Is it so difficult that I have no hope at all in this desperate situation... But anyway, Peter still knows that the Forbidden Forest cannot stay for a long time, and he has to go out sooner or later.

But even if I escaped from Hogwarts, even if I passed through the blockade of dementors...

Dementors... Dementors...

Peter's eyes lighted up, his mind (cffe) heated up, and courage emerged—just like on that Muggle street eleven years ago.

Those dementors are here to find Black, if you use yourself to lure him out... those dementors will solve him, but here is a problem: how to let Black know his location? Or to put it another way , How can I find Blake by myself.

Peter knew Blake as well as Blake knew Peter.

On the premise of not being able to enter the castle, Peter knows many hiding places, and Hogsmeade has a large number of places to hide, but there will be dementors patrolling there after sunset, so Hogsmeade is not a wanted criminal. Not safe. Never mind that Peter knows a better place, a hideout that makes more "meaningful" to Blake: the Screaming Shack.

No matter how bizarre and terrifying the outside legends about the screaming shack are, Peter will not feel anything, because he knows those legends are false, and no one knows what is going on in the screaming shack better than the few of them involved .

If Black had a place to hide, the Shrieking Shack was definitely his first choice. Peter was so sure of this, that the entrance to the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade had been magically sealed by Dumbledore - which was inevitable if someone entered from Hogsmeade while Lupine was in his werewolf state The Screaming Shack... Well, that's certainly not what Dumbledore wanted. So there is no way to get into the Shrieking Shack from Hogsmeade, but Peter knows how to get in, when he was a student - of course, referring to the "friends" that Peter will accompany him every month after fifth level We" came to the Screaming Shack once, a place Peter knew all too well.

Peter decided to take a risk—after all, he had nothing else to do but risk now, didn't he?

No matter how unbearable Peter is, he is also a Gryffindor recognized by the Sorting Hat, and taking risks is no stranger to Peter. Whether it was the adventure with "friends" when he was a student, or the adventure of joining Voldemort after graduation, or even the adventure of facing Black after the incident was revealed, Peter did not hesitate to do these things. Things he learned from his "friends".

Potter and Black were like this back then, once they decided to do something exciting, they would immediately put it into action, never thinking about it and worrying about gains and losses.

Just as Peter was approaching the edge of the Forbidden Forest, a hissing sound alerted him. Peter couldn't understand it, but he knew what it was.

For he had heard similar voices, or rather—languages—from his master. .

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