Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 198: The Screaming Shack

Peter is very satisfied with the current situation, although he is nervous to death now.

Black has already appeared, and now as long as he takes human form, those dementors will naturally notice Black. It's too close to Hogsmeade, and the sun has already set, and the dementors have already started patrolling. As long as those dementors are aware of Black, in Peter's opinion, the matter has been successful.

But there is a problem here: if you want to attract Black, you must bring out something that Black is interested in and force Black to show up. Peter knew very well that as long as he appeared, Blake would definitely appear. But once Black appears, it means that Peter has been targeted by Black, which is a fatal threat to Peter.

However, there is no limit to the road, and several students of Gryffindor acted as Peter's shield. Peter did not run away this time, but ran to Ronald's feet on his own initiative, and was naturally picked up by Ronald.

Aren't you black trying to kill me? come on, you can't do that if it's just a dog, you have to change into human form, and if you dare to change into human form, the dementors next door will smell it You, as long as Dementor Strange Stories 25 reaches you, your life will enter the countdown, let's see, will you kill me first, or the dementors will kill you first!

Peter was held in both hands by Ronald, but his eyes were on Black. He knew that this was a gamble, and the bet was his own life, but Peter was no stranger to this kind of gamble that cost his life, because including this time, Peter had done it three times. The time when he went to Voldemort, the time when he framed Black in the street, and this time.

Blake stared at the mouse that Peter had turned into. The anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he didn't even think about suppressing it. He didn't pay attention to his best friend's son staring at him guardedly, nor did he pay attention to the other Two students, he only has Peter in his eyes now, that smelly mouse.

Harry looked at the "ominous" in front of him in horror. How many times has this happened? This is the first time he has seen this so-called "ominous"? Before Harry could react, the huge black dog pounced on him. Come here, but the target is not Harry, but Ronald.

"No, damn it! What are you going to do!" Ronald struggled violently, but it didn't help at all. Even though Ronald kicked the dog's head, the black dog didn't let go.

Harry and Hermione watched in horror as the black dog grabbed Ronald's leg and began to drag him in the direction of the Whomping Willow. That's when Hermione's Crookshanks jumped out of Hermione's arms

And quickly ran like Whomping Willow.

"No! Crookshanks! Come back!" Hermione watched her cat go under the Whomping Willow and scratch the trunk.

Just when Harry and Hermione were dazzled by what happened before them, Ronald was dragged into the tree hole under the Whomping Willow by the black dog.

Peter didn't take the opportunity to escape from Ronald's body, but got into Ronald's clothes. He knew very well that if he dared to run at this time, Black would immediately target himself, and he could use this kid as a shield to delay time while staying on Ronald's body.

Seeing the black dog enter the tree hole, Crookshanks scratched the trunk again, but Harry and Hermione didn't notice it.

"Ronald!" Harry immediately rushed towards the Whooping Willow, and just when Hermione was about to follow, a black figure slammed into her arms.

"Uh...." Hermione groaned softly as she lay on the ground, this time she was hit hard by Harry.

And Harry was even worse, his school robe had been torn, and his bruised skin was exposed from the tattered school robe.

"What the hell is going on here?" Harry tried to wake up, clutching his head.

"Look at Whomping Willow!" Hermione pointed forward.

The Whomping Willow was slowly withdrawing the branch that had just struck Harry.

"Why did Ronald and that black dog get through!" Harry stood up with Hermione's support, clutching his stomach.

"Perhaps the Whomping Willow won't harm animals?" Hermione looked at Crookshanks who was still under the tree, "There was nothing wrong with Crookshanks when they just passed by.

"What about Ronald?"

Hermione couldn't answer Harry's question for a while.

"We can't wait!" Harry yelled anxiously, "We must get Ronald out immediately!"

"But how do we get there?" Hermione asked, frowning at the slightly shaking Whomping Willow.

"Just rush there!" Harry broke free from Hermione's hand, and rushed towards the Whomping Willow again.

It has to be said that the sport of Quidditch still has its merits. Harry was slapped hard just now, but now he looks like a normal person, and his movements are very quick. With preparations, he easily dodged the first slap, and dodged the second in embarrassment. The branches swung over violently, but that was all. When he was only one step away from rushing into the hole, Harry was pulled back by the third branch, just in time to hit Hermione again.

After lying down for a while, the two of them finally regained their strength, and got up again in a panic.

"Hermione, my glasses are gone." Harry squinted his eyes uncomfortably, like myopia, he would instinctively squint when he couldn't see clearly.

Hermione drew her wand and cast a Flying Charm: "Glasses Fly."

When Harry put his glasses back on, the Whomping Willow was calm again, only the drooping branches were swaying slightly with the wind.

"How do we get there now?" Harry asked anxiously.

Hermione thought for a while, "I have a solution, but I don't know if it will work or not."

"What way?" Harry asked hastily.

"The Obstacle Curse." Hermione tightened the wand in her hand, "Let's rush over, the Obstacle Curse should be able to resist those branches, even if it can't be blocked, it should be able to slow down the speed of those branches to a certain extent. 27

"Then do it!"

The two finally rolled into the burrow without any risk under Hermione's hindering spell. At this moment, Hermione couldn't care about Crookshanks who was still outside, she and Harry got up and hurriedly walked deep into the cave.

"Luminescence." Harry, who was walking in front, took out his wand, and the light from the tip of the wand illuminated the dim burrow. Harry was extremely lucky to have Hermione here at this time, otherwise he would not even be able to enter this cave, let alone rescue Ronald.

There were only the footsteps of the two of them in the cave, and they couldn't hear any other sounds at all, not even Ronald's frightened cry before.

"Ronald!" Harry had a very bad idea in his heart that kept coming out. Could it be that Ronald was killed? Obviously he saw the "ominous", so why did Ronald die for it?

"Ronald! Are you in there?" Harry shuddered at the mere thought of the possibility that Ronald had already been killed. He started calling Ronald's name loudly. .

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