Ronald didn't get a chance to speak.

Because another voice came from the cave.

"Severus!" Lupine stood at the door in surprise, he just came in, "And you! My God, what's going on?"

"Professor Lupin!" The three of Harry shouted in unison, seeing Lupine at this moment made them find the backbone.

Lupine spread his hand out to signal his innocence, because now Snape was pointing his wand at him.

"Severus, can you explain?" Lupine saw that it was a mess now, with signs of fighting everywhere.

Wait, fight? With whom? Dealing with three students obviously wouldn't create such a scene, and the three of Harry are still fine now, but Ronald's leg seems to have some problems. Lupine began to look around the house, and soon his extraordinary eyesight saw the bound figure in the ruins.

"Severus..." Lupine's voice trembled a little,....Who is that?"

"Who is that?" Snape's mouth curled up maliciously. "Ah, who else could it be? A murderer, of course."

Just as Lupine was about to move forward, Snape signaled him not to move with his wand.

"What do you want to do? Lupine?" Snape's face darkened, this is his revenge, he won't let anyone in 867 get in the way, and rescue your old friend right under my nose?"

"I'm going to ask him a few questions." Lupine also calmed down, "Wake him up, please?"

"I think so too. Snape narrowed his eyes dangerously, "and then attacked me with him, and then ran away, eh?"

"Severus, I just wanted to ask him about what happened back then, and I still can't believe he would do something like that."

Hearing Lupin's words, Snape was silent, he looked at Lupin for a while, and then said, "Now you stand over too, don't play tricks." Snape motioned for Lupin and Harry to stand together.

"Now, get on with what we didn't finish just now." Snape's eyes were still on Lupine, "Mr. Weasley, give me your pet.

"Why?" Ronald asked puzzled, "Banban is just..."

"Give him to me!" Snape yelled.

"Here it is, Ronald," Hermione said.

Lupine looked at several people puzzled, he didn't understand why a student's pet was involved now.

"No!" Ronald stubbornly clutched his purse, and Scabbers was staying in it now, "You are all crazy! Black is in there (cffe), the murderer is there, and you don't care about him, but take care of him." My Banban, what is wrong with Banban! Why are people and cats targeting him!"

Lupine frowned, he knew Snape, he knew the hatred between Snape and Black...or his own gang, but he was putting Black aside for a student to ask for his Pet, Lupine began to feel that Dumbledore hadn't explained clearly to him.

"Give it to him, boy!" came Black's voice from the ruins, and he was awake, but still bound.

"Sirius." Lupine saw Black, a completely different person from the high-spirited, domineering man he remembered.

"Remus John, do you still trust me?" Hearing Black's words, Lupine fell silent. He did doubt Black when the Potter family had an accident, and even now he still doubts Black. Not Blake but Peter. Back then, only the four of them knew about the replacement of the Secret Keeper. Even Lupine was kept a secret. The Order of the Phoenix never found out the spy who always leaked information to the Death Eaters, so Lupine also encountered trust at that time. crisis.

Seeing Lupine's appearance, Black laughed self-deprecatingly.

"The secret-keeper is not me, but Peter."

Just this one sentence made Lupin's face change drastically.

"It was I who said to James, everyone thought I was the Secret Keeper, everyone thought James would choose me as his Secret Keeper, and they would all come after me, but no one thought that the real Secret Keeper was Peter. This should have been a foolproof plan, and no one would have thought that Peter would be the secret keeper.

"Lie!" Harry yelled angrily, "You killed my parents!"

"Harry!" Hermione pulled the angry Harry, trying to calm him down. 【

"Yeah... just like I said: I did kill James and Lily..." Black sat slumped in the ruins, and whenever he thought of this, his chest would tear Lung-cracking pain, "It's my fault, I believed in the wrong people, they shouldn't have died, it's all my fault..."

Then Black raised his head and looked in Ronald's direction and shouted: "What about you? Peter! Seeing how many old friends are here, don't you have anything to say!"

Snape slowly leaned against the wall, with Lupine and Black in front of him and one behind him, he had to lean against the wall to make sure they were both within his line of sight

After all, Snape didn't have an iota of trust in either of them.

"What? You said Peter is here?" Lupine followed Black's line of sight in shock, but he only saw Ronald who was pale.

"Blake, he's just a student, you're trying to say it's Peter using compound soup..."

"His pet! The rat!" Blake yelled frantically. "That damn coward is in his pocket now!"

Rats... of course Lupine knew what Peter's Animagus was. He looked down at the bulging pockets of Ronald's school robe.

Ronald covered Scabbers.

"You are all crazy! How could Scabbers be the Peter you mentioned!" Ronald was very flustered now, because he found that the targets of these professors seemed to be himself, Snape wanted his Scabbers, and Black, the murderer, wanted him too spotted.

"I said it was him!" Blake yelled, "Remus John! Get that coward out! I can't wait to rip him apart!"

Snape leaned against the wall and watched the farce in front of him, he had calmed down now, he didn't want others to know his feelings for Lily, especially Harry, he also regretted his impulse now.

Ronald could feel Scabbers shaking in his pocket.

"You are all crazy! Scabbers has been in our house for more than ten years! How could he be that Peter! Harry, Hermione, help me!"

"Ronald." Lupine looked at Ronald calmly, "Can you take out your pocket?"

"No! Never!" Ronald staggered back, but he forgot that his leg was still hurt, and if Harry hadn't caught him in time, he would have fallen by now.

"I never thought you'd be with Blake!"

"Boy!" Black's voice came from not far away: "If you are sure that your pet is not, then why don't you dare to take it out?"

Lupine was unwilling to use violent means, Snape was watching a play, Black was tied up, Ronald was extremely uncooperative, and the situation fell into a stalemate for a while.

Just when the room fell into silence, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Oh, forget it, I've seen enough. A big man can't handle a fool."

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